A true story of high finance, murder, and one man's fight for justice.
ˮMan læser den som en thriller, men det er en sand, vigtig og inspirerende virkelig historie ... Et must-read for alle, der gerne vil forstå Rusland, Putin eller forretningslivets udfordringer...ˮ Walter Isaacson
Red Notice is a searing expos of the wholesale whitewash by Russian authorities of Magnitsky's imprisonment and murder, slicing deep into the shadowy heart of the Kremlin to uncover its sordid truths.
Robert Maxwell was indeed missing at sea. This was horrible news. Maxwell may have been a bastard, but he was also the undisputed patriarch of the organization, and now, for better or worse, he was gone. Nobody in the office knew ...
Red Notice is a searing exposé of the wholesale whitewash by Russian authorities of Magnitskyâe(tm)s imprisonment and murder, slicing deep into the shadowy heart of the Kremlin to uncover its sordid truths.
"Kuin huipputason trilleri, sankarina jokamies vieraassa vihamielisessä maassa, yksin ja vaarassa – tarina on tosi, ja se on tarina joka on pakko kertoa." – Lee Child
This is a story about an accidental activist. Bill Browder started out his adult life as the Wall Street maverick whose instincts led him to Russia just after the breakup of the Soviet Union, where he made his fortune.
The electrifying new thriller from Number One bestseller Andy McNab.
RED NOTICE: You have been warned.
' The Times I have to assume that there is a very real chance that Putin or members of his regime will have me killed some day. If I'm killed, you will know who did it. When my enemies read this book, they will know that you know.
Red Notice Notebook Journal Gift -- Cute notebook journal gift : A Classic Notebook . PAPERBACK 6x9 inch 108 pages THICK