DIVThe 21st Century commodity is time.
Ovid CHAPTER FIVE THE OVERACHIEVEMENT TRAP Willard Tate in his film “ How to Get What You Want and Want What You Get , ” makes the point that he plays golf as well as he wants , which sometimes surprises those who play with him .
This, the last volume in Smith's history of the United States, covers the 1920s, the Great Depression, and the New Deal years.
In this book he succeeds not just in coherently summarizing a number of the most important voices in ecotheology, but also in giving us a blueprint for the changed consciousness necessary to motivate a conversion from our destructive earth ...
There are at least three criticisms of how the prosperity gospel handles the Bible. ... A specimen book is Robert A. Schuller, Just Because You're on a Roll. . . Doesn't Mean You're Going Downhill (Old Tappan, N.J.: Revell, 1990). 11.
A fully developed biblical perspective of work and leisure finds the holistic balance missing from today in Puritan enjoyment of both as important to life.
Here, Russell Kirk counsels the reader to direct his energies toward cultural renewal. Distilled in these pages are many of the central tenets of Kirk's brand of humane conservatism. Kirk...