Reflective Teaching

  • Reflective Teaching: Professional Artistry Through Inquiry
    By James George Henderson

    In W. F. Pinar & W. M. Reynolds ( Eds . ) , Understanding curriculum as phenomenological and deconstructed text ( pp . 17-27 ) . New York : Teachers College Press . Armstrong , T. ( 1998 ) . Awakening genius in 30 Chapter 1 References.

  • Reflective Teaching
    By Andrew Pollard, Janet Collins

    Oxford : Blackwell . Riding , R. J. and Rayner , S. ( 1998 ) Cognitive Styles and Learning Strategies . London : Fulton . Rieser , R. and Mason , M. ( 1990 ) Disability : Equality in the Classroom , A Human Rights Issue .

  • Reflective Teaching: Evidence-informed Professional Practice
    By Andrew Pollard, Julie Anderson

    This edition is enhanced by: * A new look: a larger format, fresh text design, children's photographs and additional illustrations making the book more attractive and user-friendly than ever before. * New content to reflect contemporary ...

  • Reflective Teaching: An Introduction
    By Daniel P. Liston, Kenneth M. Zeichner

    This volume outlines the assumptions and beliefs that distinguish the concept of the reflective teacher from the view of the teacher as passive and a mere technician -- a view that teacher education programs and schools have historically ...

  • Reflective Teaching: An Introduction
    By Daniel P. Liston, Kenneth M. Zeichner

    This popular text provides a clear, succinct explanation of how reflection is integral to teachers’ understandings of themselves, their practice, and their context, and elaborates how various conceptions of reflective teaching differ from ...

  • Reflective Teaching: An Introduction
    By Daniel P. Liston, Kenneth M. Zeichner

    This popular text provides a clear, succinct explanation of how reflection is integral to teachers’ understandings of themselves, their practice, and their context, and elaborates how various conceptions of reflective teaching differ from ...

  • Reflective Teaching: Effective and Evidence-informed Professional Practice
    By Andrew Pollard

    There are a variety of views on teaching. At one extreme, some teachers deny any value to theoretical thinking: Learning to teach consists merely of acquiring tips from experienced hands....

  • Reflective Teaching: Becoming an Inquiring Educator
    By James George Henderson

    This book centers around the idea that teachers should inquire regularly into the learning patterns of their students, their own professional growth, and the reasons for everything that goes on...

  • Reflective Teaching: An Introduction
    By Kenneth M. Zeichner, Daniel Patrick Liston

    This volume outlines the assumptions and beliefs that distinguish the concept of the reflective teacher from the view of the teacher as passive and a mere technician -- a view that teacher education programs and schools have historically ...

  • Reflective Teaching: A Strategy for Developing Teaching Competence
    By Roy Killen, Anne Killen

    It is designed to help student teachers and experienced teachers become self monitoring, reflective and adaptive students of teaching. This book is written primarily to help teacher educators understand and use reflective teaching.