
  • Reformation: A Soundbite History
    By Andrew Cook

    Covering great names, such as Luther, and less well-known names, such as John Huss, this work seeks to present the essence and impact of this great era. This is an engaging and accessible introduction to the Reformation.

  • Reformation: A World in Turmoil
    By Andrew Atherstone

    The Scots were routed at the Battle of Solway Moss in November, when hundreds were taken prisoner, including dozens of lords and lairds. Just three weeks later James died suddenly of a mysterious illness at the age of thirty.

  • Reformation

    Upsetting the powerful means obscurity or death. Whats a poor girl to do? Reformation is a play about those who dont make the history books.James Martin Charlton is the writer of Fat Souls and Coward.

  • Reformation: Zentren - Akteure - Ereignisse
    By Irene Dingel

    Sebastian Franck: Konsequenter Individualismus Zu der gleichen Generation wie Müntzer und Schwenckfeld gehörte Sebastian Franck, der ein weiteres Beispiel dafür ist, in welch vielfältigen theologischen Ausprägungen sich ...

  • Reformation: Europe's House Divided 1490-1700
    By Diarmaid MacCulloch

    The Reformation is where the modern world painfully and dramatically began, and MacCulloch's great history of it is recognised as the best modern account.

  • Reformation: Historisch-kulturwissenschaftliches Handbuch
    By Helga Schnabel-Schüle

    Basse, Michael: Von den Reformkonzilien bis zum Vorabend der Reformation. Leipzig 2008. Boockmann, Hartmut (Hg.): Kirche und Gesellschaft im Heiligen Römischen Reich des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Göttingen 1994.

  • Reformation
    By Caroline Schnyder


  • Reformation
    By Volker Leppin

    ... Karlstadt ( 1486–1541 ) . Ein Theologe der frühen Refor- mation , Wittenberg 1998 , 223–245 ; A. N. Burnett , Karlstadt and the Origins of the Eucharis- tic Controversy . A study in the circulation of ideas , Oxford 2011. - H. Barge ...