Regulatory Takings

  • Regulatory Takings
    By Steven J. Eagle

    21 See, e.g., Carol M. Rose, Mahon Reconstructed: Why the Takings Issue is Still a Muddle, 57 S. CAL. L. REV. 561, 561 (1984); Joseph L. Sax, Takings and the Police Power, ... See also Jean H. Shuttleworth, Note, “Property” in the Fifth ...

  • Regulatory Takings: Law, Economics, and Politics
    By William A. Fischel

    As I have noted elsewhere in this book , modern political economy has often focused on how less - than - majority interest groups appropriate government largess ( William Niskanen 1971 ; George Stigler 1971 ) .

  • Regulatory Takings
    By Stephen J. Eagle

    The regulation lists 21 examples of barrier removal likely to be “readily achievable” in many circumstances, ... 215 (1993); Michael F. Jones, Real Estate Impact of the Americans With Disabilities Act, 21 REAL ESTATE LAW J. 3 (1992) ...

  • Regulatory Takings
    By Steven J. Eagle

    Regulatory Takings

  • Regulatory Takings
    By Steven J. Eagle

    This landmark work is the first book-length treatment of "regulatory taking" the controversial legal concept that governmental regulation of private property use can amount to a "taking" that requires compensation....

  • Regulatory Takings: Restoring Private Property Rights
    By Roger Clegg

    Regulatory Takings: Restoring Private Property Rights