Reinventing the Workplace

  • Reinventing the Workplace
    By Franklin D. Becker, Michael L. Joroff

    Reinventing the Workplace

  • Reinventing the Workplace: How Business and Employees Can Both Win
    By David I. Levine, Professor of History David Levine

    In this volume, the author explores the obstacles to the spread of substantive employee involvement, which include legal barriers, capital markets that discourage investment in people, organizational inertia, and the costs of implementation ...

  • Reinventing the Workplace
    By John Worthington

    Incorporating a diversity of practices, cultural and organization change, and building forms, this book provides ideas, inspiration and analysis of the multitude of ways in which an office space can be designed and utilized.

  • Reinventing the Workplace
    By John Worthington

    Incorporating a diversity of practices, cultural and organization change, and new building forms, this book provides ideas, inspiration and analysis of the multitude of ways in which an office space can be designed and utilized.

  • Reinventing the Workplace: How Business and Employees Can Both Win
    By David I. Levine

    What is the future shape of the American workplace? This question is the focus of a national debate as the country strives to find a system that provides a good...

  • Reinventing the Workplace
    By Demos, England), Daniel Leighton

    Reinventing the Workplace

  • Reinventing the Workplace
    By John Worthington

    In the work that DEGW has carried out with Steelcase Corp some simple checklists were developed and these are shown here to act as an aide memoir for anyone embarking on a project that is seeking to 'reinvent the workplace'.

  • Reinventing the Workplace: How Business and Employees Can Both Win
    By David Levine

    In this book, David Levine uses case studies and extensive evidence to show that greater employee involvement in the workplace can significantly increase both productivity and worker satisfaction.

  • Reinventing the Workplace
    By John Worthington, University of York. Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies

    The book articulates the organizational and technological developments that are influencing the procurement, layout, and management of the workplace, through case studies and reflections on practice by leading corporations and consultants ...