Render Unto Caesar

  • Render Unto Caesar
    By Gillian Bradshaw

    And if not, how far will a man go to satisfy honor? Render unto Caesar is a fascinating historical that explores the nature of what it means to be free, to truly be a citizen of Rome, and the lengths a man will go to call himself a man.

  • Render Unto Caesar
    By Gillian Bradshaw

    The heir to a noble Greek society, Hermogenes finds himself having to reclaim debts owed to his family after his father's tragic death at sea, a situation that places him in a difficult position with a prejudiced Roman consul and a ...

  • Render Unto Caesar: Serving the Nation by Living Our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life
    By Charles J. Chaput

    Examines some of the moral issues that divide modern-day society, redefines the link between personal morality and the public sphere, and argues that a dual commitment to faith and democracy holds the key to revitalizing the United States.

  • Render Unto Caesar: The Struggle Over Christ and Culture in the New Testament
    By John Dominic Crossan

    In the texts of Luke-Acts, Rome is considered favorably. In the book of Revelation, Rome is seen as the embodiment of evil in the world. Yet there is an alternative to these two extremes, Crossan explains.

  • Render Unto Caesar: Serving the Nation by Living Our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life
    By Charles J. Chaput

    In a national bestseller, an outspoken leader of the Catholic Church tackles some of the tough moral issues that divide America, defending the right of religious people to express their beliefs, and arguing that a dual commitment to faith ...

  • Render Unto Caesar: A Novel
    By Gillian Bradshaw

    And if not, how far will a man go to satisfy honor? Render unto Caesar is a fascinating historical that explores the nature of what it means to be free, to truly be a citizen of Rome, and the lengths a man will go to call himself a man.

  • Render Unto Caesar
    By Geoff Newman

    Jack Mawgan is about to fulfill his ambition to become a qualified paramedic when an incident involving a young Muslim found naked on a Cornish road in broad daylight draws him into the sinister world of 'Extraordinary Rendition'.

  • Render Unto Caesar
    By Kathleen Lindsay

    Render Unto Caesar

  • Render Unto Caesar: The Flag
    By David Roger Manwaring

    Render Unto Caesar: The Flag

  • Render Unto Caesar
    By Rudelli

    Render Unto Caesar

  • Render Unto Caesar
    By Herbert Carson

    Render Unto Caesar

  • Render Unto Caesar
    By R. Barry Levis

    In this engaging new study, Barry Levis shows that although both parties claimed to be in support of the Church, their real aim was advancing their respective political positions.

  • Render Unto Caesar
    By Herbert Carson

    Render Unto Caesar

  • Render Unto Caesar
    By Chester Kudlac

    Render Unto Caesar is a story of private, religious beliefs elevated to the law of the land.