
  • Renew
    By Ardis Dick Stenbakken

    Wilson, my husband, and I had been trying off and on for eight years to have another child. I had accepted the fact that I was a sinner and this was my deserved punishment—even though I knew better than that. God, our wonderful Savior, ...

  • Renew: A Missional Movement for the None, Done, and Undone: A DIY Manual for Kingdom Expansion
    By Robert Butler

    Our book is meant to be read, wrestled with and discussed. We suggest this book be a group project with multiple levels of spiritual maturity present during the discussion. Our first RENEW group consisted of over fifty individuals.

  • Renew: Breaking Free from Negative Thinking, Anxiety, and Depression
    By Julie Winter

    Joy and peace should be the normal state of those who are in Christ Jesus. For many, this is only a theoretical concept that applies to others, and the purpose of this book is to outline practical steps to make joy and peace obtainable.

  • ReNew: Breaking Free from Negative Thinking, Anxiety, and Depression
    By Mrs. Julie Winter

    So many people miss out on experiencing consistent joy in their lives because the toxic thoughts they embrace open doors to anxiety and depression. In ReNew, Julie Winter leads you through the Biblical solution: Renewing your mind.

  • Renew: A Devotional Magazine for Women
    By Zondervan Publishing, Zondervan

    It offers inspirational thoughts and wise insights from women who have triumphed through similar trials. It also shows how to pass on a legacy of faith, wisdom, and love to others.