Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management

  • Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management

    The subject matter in this volume covers myriad areas: compensation, performance evaluation, reputation, employee furloughs, and research methodology.

  • Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
    By Jonathon R. B. Halbesleben, M. Ronald Buckley, Anthony R. Wheeler

    Online Talent Platforms, Labour Market Intermediaries and the Changing World of Work. Independent study prepared by CEPS and IZA for the World Employment ConfederationEurope and UNI Europa May 2018. Barach, M. A., Golden, J. M., ...

  • Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
    By Jonathon R. B. Halbesleben, M. Ronald Buckley, Anthony R. Wheeler

    Employee well-being and the HRMorganizational performance relationship: A review of quantitative studies. ... The new international division of labour in Asian electronics: Work organization and human resources in Japan and Malaysia.

  • Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
    By Jonathon R. B. Halbesleben, M. Ronald Buckley, Anthony R. Wheeler

    Technology The call for greater use of technology in managing performance takes multiple forms and addresses many of the issues raised by practitioners. Research on technology and PM generally falls into one of two main categories: ...

  • Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
    By Aparna Joshi, Joseph Martocchio, Hui Laio

    Presents the papers that promote theory and research on important substantive and methodological topics in the field of human resources management.

  • Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
    By Jonathon R. B. Halbesleben, M. Ronald Buckley, Anthony R. Wheeler

    ... Issues in Organizational Behavior and Leadership), 13–60. Yammarino, F. J., & Dansereau, F. (2011). Multi-level ... level review and framework of pragmatic deals. In G. R. Ferris & D. C. Treadway (Eds.), Politics in organizations: Theory ...

  • Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
    By Joseph J. Martocchio

    Contains seven papers on various issues in the field of human resources management.

  • Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
    By Jonathon R. B. Halbesleben, M. Ronald Buckley, Anthony R. Wheeler

    ... methods for revealing questionable research practices . In W. O'Donohue , A. Masuda , & S. Lilienfeld ( Eds . ) , Avoiding questionable research practices in applied psychology ( pp . 123–145 ) . Springer . ...

  • Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
    By Joseph J Martocchio

    This series publishes monograph length conceptual papers designed to promote theory and research on important substantive and methodological topics in the field of human resources management.

  • Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
    By Joseph J. Martocchio, Hui Laio

    Features papers designed to promote theory and research on important substantive and methodological topics in the field of human resources management.

  • Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
    By James B. Shaw, Gerald R. Ferris, John E. Beck

    This is the 14th volume in a series designed as a forum for the presentation of conceptual and methodological issues in the field of personnel and human resources management.

  • Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
    By Jonathon R. B. Halbesleben, M. Ronald Buckley, Anthony R. Wheeler

    ... the subnorms set by the abusive leader to remain quiet. Finally, employees who intentionally violate organizational rules in prosocial rule breaking ignore the organization's rules to instead subscribe to their own beliefs and values ...