
  • Responsibility
    By Janet Riehecky, Nancy Pemberton, Linda Hohag

    Suggests ways to show responsibility, such as remembering to feed kitty, eating one's peas, and wearing boots in the rain.

  • Responsibility
    By Joanne Mattern, Susan E. Edgar, Kathleen J. Edgar

    Twenty short biographies of men and women whose lives and work embody the value of responsibility.

  • Responsibility: Volume 16, Part 2
    By Jr, Ellen Frankel Paul, Jeffrey Paul

    The essential point is that even in the first year, infants do not experience their emotions (or emotional ... Iohanna Rich Tesman, and Beth Shepard, ”The Development of Emotion Expression during the First Two Years of Life," Monographs ...

  • Responsibility
    By Cynthia Amoroso

    Through various examples, children learn about responsibility and how to apply it to everyday life.

  • Responsibility
    By Barbara Darling-Smith

    In this book philosophers, scholars of religion, and activists address the theme of responsibility.

  • Responsibility
    By Cynthia Roberts

    Explains what responsibility is, describes different ways it can be expressed, and discusses why it should be practiced.

  • Responsibility
    By Cynthia Amoroso

    Learn about this important value in Responsibility. The Values series uses common, everyday situations to help explain the importance of positive values and strength of character.

  • Responsibility
    By Gina Pilon

    After reading this book and following its guidance you can expect to feel empowered, liberated, and self-confident by embarking on a journey of personal responsibility and discovering fourteen key essentials for living a life of freedom ...

  • Responsibility: The Many Faces of a Social Phenomenon
    By Hans-Werner Bierhoff, Ann Elisabeth Auhagen

    This volume integrates the many facets of responsibility and reviews the research on a scientific basis.

  • Responsibility
    By Robyn Eckersley, Ghassan Hage

    ... justice has further critical consequences. The state holds policy and financial resources in terms of addressing causes that are not available when the doing of justice is left with individuals and communities. The delegation of justice ...

  • Responsibility: The Epistemic Condition
    By Philip Robichaud, Jan Willem Wieland

    This volume sets the agenda. Sixteen new essays address the following central questions: Does the epistemic condition require akrasia? Why does blameless ignorance excuse? Does moral ignorance sustained by one's culture excuse?

  • Responsibility
    By Lucia Raatma

    RESPONSIBILITY: Think before you act.

  • Responsibility: recognition and limits
    By Anton Rauscher

    Jeder Einzelne, aber auch jede Gruppe, muss sich jeweils der eigenen Verantwortung stellen. Die Beiträge des Bandes gehen auf das 10. Deutsch-Amerikanische Kolloquium zurück, das 2008 in Philadelphia stattfand.

  • Responsibility: The Many Faces of a Social Phenomenon
    By Ann Elisabeth Auhagen, Hans Werner Bierhoff

    Maurice Ravel: A Research and Information Guide is an annotated bibliography concerning both the nature of primary sources related to the composer and the scope and significance of the secondary sources which deal with him, his compositions ...