Finally , the buyer must enter the market understanding that there isn't one single fiber or material that could please ... Buyers simply cannot justify stocking merchandise that sells infrequently , except in certain circumstances ...
Fads help buyers keep their stores vital and attract new customers; however, the sales cycle for a fad is vastly ... Silly Bandz did not use paid advertising, but instead relied on fans and retail partners to spread the word in local ...
New to This Edition: ~STUDIO: Retail Buying Studio features online self-quizzes, flashcards, math practic problems and Excel spreadsheet activities that align with chapter "Spreadsheet Skills" activities ~Additional math practice problems ...
For courses in Retail Buying, Retail Merchandising and Fashion Merchandising. This edition offers the reader all the latest developments in retail buying for the new millennium. With detailed cases and...
STUDIO resources include: - Chapter self-quiz questions with scored results and personalized study tips - Glossary flashcards help build industry vocabulary - Downloadable Excel spreadsheets to complete the end of chapter Spreadsheet Skills ...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
From large international specialty stores to small privately owned stores, this text covers all the skills and concepts students need to pursue a career in retail buying.
With a host of end-of-chapter materials and visual aids, this book continues its tradition of effectively preparing students for their role as professional retail buyers.
Excerpt from Retail Buying: Modern Principles and Practice This volume on Retail Buying provides a simple and readable explanation of what is best to-day in buying principles and practice.
About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work.
Retail Buying