Reverse Design

  • Reverse Design: A Current Scientific Vision From the International Fashion and Design Congress
    By Manuel Blanco, Ana Cristina Broega, Joana Cunha

    went to see the surfer and we went to Nazaré to talk to him. We saw that he truly loved Portugal and we paid him to promote our country, which at the time gave some controversy, because he was a foreigner”, recalls Cotrim de Figueiredo ...

  • Reverse Design: A Current Scientific Vision From the International Fashion and Design Congress
    By Manuel Blanco, Ana Cristina Broega, Joana Cunha

    Suporte social na reabilitação da mulher mastectomizada: o papel do parceiro sexual. Revista Escola de Enfermagem da USP, ... O saber local: novos ensaios em antropologia interpretativa Petrópolis, Brasil: Vozes. Goffman, E. 1988.

  • Reverse Design: Super Mario World
    By Patrick Holleman

    The Reverse Design series looks at all of the design decisions that went into classic games. This is the third installment in the Reverse Design series, looking at Super Mario World.

  • Reverse Design: Super Mario World
    By Patrick Holleman

    ... Chocolate Island's no longer have three arms , and that's not the only change . MARIO O 199 ** 91 91 TIMI OX 20 277 6194210 MACIO 199 91 TIME might glide onto the hub block, but they're going to. 202 6200010 Increased D - Distance The ...

  • Reverse Design: Diablo II
    By Patrick Holleman

    ... Phoenix Strike is an attack rather than a spell. Thus, in order for Phoenix Strike to hit, the player has to land a physical attack successfully, which may require several attempts at close range. That said, we've already seen in the ...