Also see Billy G. Smith, The “Lower Sort”: Philadelphia's Laboring People, 1750– 1800 (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1990). For a discussion of the growth rate of the American economy, see Henretta, “Wealth and Social Structure,” ...
12 For financial and cutrency issues see Jensen, The New Nation, Chaprers 15, 16, and 19; William G. Anderson, ... "Cutrency, Taxation and Finance, 1775-1787," in Jack P. Greene and J. R. Pole, eds., The Blackwell Encyclopedia of the ...
This third edition has been fully revised and updated to incorporate the insights of the latest scholarship throughout, including additional discussion of regional differences and the role of religion.
... Brown, 1970), Chapters 14¥19. See Francis Paul Prucha, American Indian Policy in the Formative Years: The Indian Trade and Intercourse Acts (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1962); Francis Paul Prucha, ...
demonstrate to the American colonists that the vaunted British constitution which they had revered as the bulwark of ... birth could have a right to set up his own family in perpetual preference to all others forever,” declared Paine, ...
4 11 12 13 14 15 16 See Mary Beth Norton, Liberty's Daughters: The Revolutionary Experience of American Women, ... Also see “The Female Patriots, Address'd to the Daughters of Liberty in America, 1768,” WMQ, 34 (1977), 307; ...
It also includes: A new introduction that engages the 1619 versus 1776 debate An updated and revised bibliography to reflect the most recent literature Consideration of the degree to which the Revolution transformed American society This ...
While the structure of the collection parallels the textbook, either can be used independently as well. Each chapter contains excerpts of crucial documents from the Revolutionary period, and begins with a brief introduction.
Covering the experiences of various groups (including women, native Americans and African Americans), this book explains the crucial events in the history of the United States between 1763 and 1815.