Reward Management

  • Reward Management: A Handbook of Remuneration Strategy and Practice
    By Michael Armstrong, Helen Murlis

    Hendry , C and Pettigrew , A ( 1986 ) The practice of strategic human resource management , Personnel Review , 15 , pp 2-8 9. Hamel , G and Prahalad , C K ( 1989 ) Strategic intent , Harvard Business Review , May - June , pp 63–76 10.

  • Reward Management: A Practical Introduction
    By Michael Rose

    Background McDonald's is the world's largest restaurant chain with more than 37,000 restaurants in over 100 countries and employing around 2 million people. McDonald's opened its first restaurant in the UK in 1974.

  • Reward Management: Alternatives, Consequences and Contexts
    By Sarah Jones, Stephen J Perkins

    However, if this case does succeed, according to representing solicitors Leigh Day, it paves the way for successful outcomes in other ongoing claims against the other big supermarkets: Sainsburys, Morrisons and ...

  • Reward Management: Alternatives, Consequences and Contexts
    By Sarah Jones, Stephen J. Perkins

    Gain a thorough understanding of the theory, context and practice of reward management with this CIPD textbook.

  • Reward Management: A critical text
    By Janet Druker, Geoff White

    This new text, which includes chapters by major UK academics and consultants who are specialists in the reward management field, is the first to adopt a critical and theoretical approach to these changes in reward systems.

  • Reward Management
    By Michael Rose

    Reward Management is a practical guide to understanding and implementing really effective reward strategies in your organization.

  • Reward Management: Employee Performance, Motivation and Pay
    By David Hume

    This book provides a succinct introduction to the subject for undergraduate and MBA students and those taking the IPD Reward Management course.

  • Reward Management
    By Michael Rose

    Reward Management is a practical guide to understanding and implementing really effective reward strategies in your organization.

  • Reward Management: A critical text
    By Janet Druker, Geoff White

    This thoroughly revised edition adopts a critical and theoretical perspective on remuneration policy and practices in the UK, from the decline of collective bargaining to the rise of more individualistic systems based on employee ...

  • Reward Management: A critical text
    By Janet Druker, Geoff White

    Hitter, L. (1997) 'An educreational approach to the teaching of history in an Australian College of Advanced Education', in P. Ritter, Educreation and feedback: Education for creation, growth and change, Oxford: Pergamon Press.

  • Reward Management: A critical text
    By Janet Druker, Geoff White

    This thoroughly revised edition adopts a critical and theoretical perspective on remuneration policy and practices in the UK, from the decline of collective bargaining to the rise of more individualistic systems based on employee ...

  • Reward Management: Alternatives, Consequences and Contexts
    By Sarah Jones, Stephen J. Perkins, Geoffrey White

    Benefit from in-depth analysis and practical activities to understand all areas of reward management.

  • Reward Management: Alternatives, Consequences and Contexts
    By Sarah Jones, Stephen J Perkins, Geoffrey White

    From the theoretical frameworks and legal context of reward to pay structures, pay setting, progression and variable pay schemes, this book provides all the essential information for both students of reward management and practitioners ...

  • Reward Management: A Practical Introduction
    By Michael Rose

    This third edition of Reward Management includes the latest research and developments, such as how to incorporate wellbeing and new technologies in reward strategy and how new ways of working may affect a benefits package.