With a daring introduction from James Patrick Kelly and John Kessel, editors of the controversial Feeling Very Strange: The Slipstream Anthology, this collection is an exhilarating snapshot of a vibrant literary movement.
Menlo Park, CA: Kaiser Family Foundation. Retrieved from http://www.kff.org/entmedia/upload/GenerationMMediaintheLivesof818YearoldsReport.pdf. 3. 4. Rideout, V., & Hamel, E. (2006, May). The media family: Electronic media in the lives ...
Rewired: Recognizing and Retraining Wrong Thinking
These sixteen extreme stories reveal a government ninja routed by a bicycle repairman, the inventor of digitized paper hijacked by his college crush, a dead boy trapped in a warped storybook paradise, and the queen of England attacked with ...
Rewired addresses the whole self; just as addiction affects every part of one’s life, so too must its treatment.
These sixteen extreme stories reveal a government ninja routed by a bicycle repairman, the inventor of digitized paper hijacked by his college crush, a dead boy trapped in a warped storybook paradise, and the queen of England attacked with ...
Rewired is the inspirational, miraculous story of Dr. Seth’s revolutionary surgery that allows Melissa to not just move a prosthetic arm simply by thinking, but to actually feel with the prosthetic hand, just as she would with her natural ...
Examines the governance challenges of cybersecurity through twelve, real-world case studies Through twelve detailed case studies, this superb collection provides an overview of the ways in which government officials and corporate leaders ...
Rewired addresses the whole self; just as addiction affects every part of one’s life, so too must its treatment.
Want to accelerate change? Then Rewire what you believe, specifically, and watch the trajectory of life change for the better. The brain can be Rewired.
This book challenges readers to push the boundaries of how they communicate the gospel—to not just join the worldwide conversation but to lead it.
Through this book, Dawn hopes to give those who are on a similar journey the reassurance that they are not alone.
Rewired provides scientifically supported solutions for everyone who wants to restore their tech–life balance—from parents concerned about their children’s exposure to the internet to stressed workers dealing with the deluge of emails ...
In considering "data" from theology and science, this book represents an integrated work in science and religion.
This book challenges readers to push the boundaries of how they communicate the gospel--to not just join the worldwide conversation but to lead it.