... Black Activist Who Fought Against D.W. Griffith's 'The Birth of a Nation,'” The New Yorker, February 6, 2017, https://www.newyorker.com/culture/richard-brody/the-black-activist-who-foughtagainst-d-w-griffiths-the-birth-of-a-nation.
COOK. WITH. A. LONG. PATH. TO. BROADWAY. On a frigid December night in downtown Pittsburgh in 1999, the playwright August Wilson, a high school dropout and a former shortorder cook in Minneapolis, was standing on a sidewalk, ...
Penned by one of America's best-known daily theatre critics and organized chronologically, this lively and readable book tells the story of Broadway's renaissance from the darkest days of the AIDS crisis, via the disaster that was Spiderman ...
This volume is an essential handbook for preparing both students and activists to effectively resist.
Music historian Craig Harris explores more than five hundred years of Indigenous history, religion, and cultural evolution in Rise Up! Indigenous Music in North America.
Music historian Craig Harris explores more than five hundred years of Indigenous history, religion, and cultural evolution in Rise Up! Indigenous Music in North America.