This collection includes the prose short stories: In the Forest of Villefere, Wolfshead, Sea Curse, A Tale of Faring Town, Rattle of Bones, The Touch of Death, Dig Me No Grave, People of the Dark, and The House of Arabu.
Robert E. Howard: The Horror Collection
In 1987, Charles Hoffman and Marc Cerasini published a volume on Robert E. Howard for the acclaimed Starmont Reader's Guides series. Even then, the book was a pioneering study of Howard's life and work.
Now the authors are pleased to present once again their Robert E. Howard study -revised and updated- to help readers new and old better appreciate the work of a literary genius who transformed pulp fiction into poetic heroic sagas.
1934 The Scalp Hunter $125 Oct. 1934 cover A Gent from Bear Creek $150 Dec. 1934 The Road to Bear Creek $125 Feb. ... 1936 cover Pilgrims to the Pecos $150 Apr. 1936 Pistol Politics $125 Jun. 1936 Evil Deeds at Red Cougar $125 Aug.
Hither Came REH...From a single, stifling room in a small sagebrush town in central Texas, hunched over a manual typewriter, Robert E. Howard created memorable characters, exotic worlds, and glorious pulp adventures.
Jonas Prida). He has also given presentations on the topics of "Conan as The Bright Barbarian" and the subjective stylometric analysis of the Conan "canon" with "Robert E. Howard's DNA [Distinctive Narrative Attributes]"
... The Hyborian Age, Part I; The Thing in the Crypt, by L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter; The Tower of the Elephant; The Hall of the Dead (with L. Sprague de Camp); The God in the Bowl (edited by L. Sprague de Camp); Rogues in the ...
"An Introduction to the Life and Works of Robert E. Howard" and an interview with Glenn Lord by Joe Marek; an untitled dark fantasy/Cthulhu Mythos style story featuring John O'Dare by Robert E. Howard; "A Short History of the Conan ...