
  • Robotics: State of the Art and Future Challenges
    By David Lavery, George Bekey, Robert Ambrose

    George A Bekey, Robert Ambrose, Vijay Kumar, Arthur C Sanderson, Brian Wilcox, Yuan F Zheng, Jun-ku Yuh, David Lavery ... M. A. Hsieh, A. Cowley, J. F. Keller, L. Chaimowicz, B. Grocholsky, V. Kumar, C. J. Taylor, Y. Endo, R. C. Arkin, ...

  • Robotics: State of the Art and Future Challenges
    By George A. Bekey

    This book presents the results of an assessment of the state of robotics in Japan, South Korea, Western Europe and Australia and a comparison of robotics R&D programs in these countries with those in the United States.

  • Robotics
    By John Baillieul

    DUFFY and CRANE[1980] J. Duffy and C. Crane, A displacement analysis of the general spatial 7R mechanism, Mechanisms and Machine Theory, Vol. 15, pp. 153-169. FREUDENSTEIN(1973] F. 46 MADHUSUDAN RAGHAVAN.

  • Robotics
    By Paul Newman, Nicholas Roy, Siddhartha Srinivasa

    This volume presents theproceedings of the eighth annual Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) conference, held in July 2012at the University of Sydney.

  • Robotics: Discover the Robotic Innovations of the Future - an Introductory Guide to Robotics
    By Kevin Klein

    These ideas drive related fields, and those in turn, drive people to come up with better ways to make and use robots.If you are interested in the future, history and present state of robotics, then this book is a must-have addition to your ...

    By Kathy Ceceri

    We even send robots to explore the depths of the ocean and the expanse of space. In Robotics, children ages 9 and up learn how robots affect both the future and the present. Hands-on activities make learning both fun and lasting.

  • Robotics: Science and Systems VI
    By Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte, José Neira, Yoky Matsuoka

    This volume presents the proceedings of the sixth Robotics: Science and Systems conference, held in 2010 at the University of Zaragoza, Spain.

  • Robotics: Modelling, Planning and Control
    By Bruno Siciliano, Lorenzo Sciavicco, Luigi Villani

    This text is suitable for use in senior undergraduate and graduate courses in automation and computer, electrical, electronic and mechanical engineering courses with strong robotics content.

  • Robotics: Modelling, Planning and Control
    By Bruno Siciliano, Lorenzo Sciavicco, Luigi Villani

    This text is suitable for use in senior undergraduate and graduate courses in automation and computer, electrical, electronic and mechanical engineering courses with strong robotics content.

  • Robotics: Science and Systems IV
    By Oliver Brock, Jeffrey C. Trinkle, Jeff Trinkle

    [3] J. Ueda, L. Odhner, S. Kim, H. Asada, “Distributed Stochastic Control of MEMS-PZT Cellular Actuators with Broadcast Feedback,” in 2006 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 20-22 February 2006 ...

  • Robotics: Science and Systems VII
    By Nicholas Roy, Hugh Durrant-Whyte, Pieter Abbeel

    Stochastic strategies for a swarm robotic assembly system. ... Cooperative manipulation and transportation with aerial robots. Autonomous Robot ... Autonomous multi-floor indoor navigation with a computationally constrained MAV.

  • Robotics: A Very Short Introduction
    By Alan Winfield

    Its conclusions go well beyond robotics . David McFarland : Guilty Robots , Happy Dogs , Oxford University Press , 2008. Written by an influential zoologist , this book is concerned with philosophy of mind . Written in an accessible and ...

  • Robotics: From Manipulator to Mobilebot
    By Zixing Cai

    Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) can effectively solve the path planning problem of continuous state space and action ... In recent years, DRL has been widely used in the fields of planning, control and navigation of robot control, ...

  • Robotics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
    By Management Association, Information Resources

    Work analysis in library technical services. Technical Services Quarterly, 25(2), 19–30. doi:10.1300/J124v25n02_02. Carter, R. C., & Smith, L. (Eds.). (1995). Technical services management, 1965-1990: A quarter century of change and a ...

  • Robotics: Theory and Industrial Applications
    By Stephen W. Fardo, Larry T. Ross, James W. Masterson

    This text is a comprehensive tool in learning the technical aspects of robotics and includes coverage of power supply systems, degrees of freedom, programming methods, sensors, end effectors, implementation planning, and system maintenance.

  • Robotics
    By Appuu Kuttan

    Hazardous environments are well-suited for robotics use. Because of their inherent danger in the environment, humans must be well-protected against the dangers. However, robot can access, traverse, maintain and explore these areas ...


    This book focusses on one of the important classes of Robots known as manipulators or robotic arms, and provides a thorough treatment of its kinematics, dynamics, and control.

  • ROBOTICS: Mechanics and Control
    By K. R. Guruprasad

    Focuses on one of the important classes of robots - manipulators or robotic arms - and provides a thorough treatment of its kinematics, dynamics, and control. The book also covers the problem of trajectory generation and robot programming.

  • Robotics: Science and Systems VIII
    By Paul Newman, Nicholas Roy, Siddhartha Srinivasa

    This volume presents the proceedings of the eighth annual Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) conference, held in July 2012 at the University of Sydney.

  • Robotics: The Algorithmic Perspective : the Third Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics
    By Lydia Kavraki, Matthew T. Mason, Pankaj K. Agarwal

    Progress on the algorithmic foundations of robotics is critical to the technology. This volume gathers together cutting-edge research presented at the Third Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics, and...