33 G. Evans, J. Goodman and N. Lansbury, Moving Mountains: Communities Confront Mining and Globalisation, Zed Books, London, 2002, pp. 46–7. ... 35 Friends of the Earth International, Risky Business, Washington, DC, 2001.
Her left leg throbbed without ceasing, hard ground jabbed her back, all around her wind howled without abandon. ... so difficult he'd never made it to the top, and she wanted to show she could do something Rocks and Hard Places 22.
"Routes over the Takak Hill have varied since surveyor Charles Heaphy and his party first recorded the crossing in 1843, and this book outlines the changes from the first rough walking tracks to the sealed ... state highway today's ...
Rocks and hard places first-hand narrative of the authors attempts to reach the Seven Summits -- the highest point on each of the seven continents.
This important book concludes with urgent proposals to check the role of multinationals in a sector that has always been at the core of resource exploitation."--Jacket.
Rocks and Hard Places: How to Avoid Them
Rocks and hard places: mineral resource planning and planning sustainability