In 2009, she was arrested for unlawful conduct while demonstrating at the Senate confirmation hearing for Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. a pawn when selecting her as their plaintiff, Jane Roe. McCorvey is a pro-life speaker and ...
You don't need religion to kill Roe v Wade constitutionally, although some pro-Roe politicians use religion (in reverse) to shield Roe from being killed so.
Few Supreme Court decisions have stirred up as much controversy, vitriolic debate, and even violence as the one delivered in Roe v. Wade in 1973. Four decades later, it remains...
It is difficult to keep in mind that the era of illegal abortions ended only 27 years ago.
From the back-alley clinics of illegal abortionists to the behind-the scene deliberations of the Supreme Court justices, Roe v. Wade is a riveting history of the thorniest ethical debate ever...
The US Supreme Court is the head of the judicial branch of the federal government.
This book recounts the fascinating drama behind the Supreme Court's decision to legalize abortion in the Roe v. Wade case. Both sides are clearly represented for the benefit of young adult readers.
When a young Dallas woman - known publicly as Jane Roe - was denied the right to terminate her pregnancy, she found a lawyer who would take her case all the way to the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court decision of 1973 in the case of Roe vs. Wade has had more impact on women than any other judicial decision in history. It is the story...
The issue of abortion has sharply divided America. The bitter debate over Roe v. Wade - in the courts, legislatures, press and streets - has grown ever more ferocious since...