Provides precise definitions of each synonym, complete synonym groups at every entry, a category index that includes related or opposing terms, and a cross-reference system.
The New Thesaurus Penguin Books Staff, Peter Mark Roget, M.D., F.R.S., Brenda Jackson, Ronald L McDonald. iv Introduction Roget's II : The New Thesaurus represents a significant change from a traditional thesaurus , which groups words ...
An expanded edition of the indispensable reference book includes alphabetized entries, synonyms grouped by meaning, illustrative examples, and same-page groupings of synonyms, idioms, and more
Roget's II: The New Thesaurus
Roget's II: The New Thesaurus by the Editors of the American Heritage Dictionaries
Roget's II: The New Thesaurus
This thesaurus just contains synonyms.
Each synonym is cross-referenced to a Category Index that groups words related or opposite in meaning. This is an essential resource to enhancing accuracy in use of the English language.
More than 35,000 synonyms are listed and defined, and cross-referenced for easy use. Alphabetical dictionary format.
Provides precise definitions of each synonym, complete synonym groups at every entry, a category index that includes related or opposing terms, and a cross-reference system.
Lists 35,000 synonyms and includes examples with every definition. Contains cross-references.
The most accessible and easy-to-use thesaurus available, Roget's II includes 35,000 synonyms listed and defined, alphabetically arranged and fully cross-referenced, a unique Category Index, and all the features that have made Roget's a ...
Provides precise definitions of each synonym, complete synonym groups at every entry, a category index that includes related or opposing terms, and an extensive cross-reference system