
  • Romans
    By N.T. Wright

    With a scholar's mind and a pastor's heart, Tom Wright walks you through Romans in this guide designed especially with everyday readers in mind.

  • Romans: A Theological and Pastoral Commentary
    By Michael J. Gorman

    Pastor Paul: Nurturing a Culture of Christoformity in the Church. ... Bowens, Lisa M. African American Readings of Paul: Reception, Resistance, and Transformation. ... Witherup, Ronald D. 101 Questions and Answers on Paul.

  • Romans
    By The Navigators

    This Bible study on the book of Romans will help you understand the book's historical context, purpose, structure, and meaning and apply its powerful, relevant wisdom to your needs and issues. • Personal study between meetings • 20 ...

  • Romans
    By R. C. Sproul

    The Reformers saw it as the God-given key to understanding the whole of Scripture. Throughout church history the study of the book of Romans has been pivotal to understanding Christian life and doctrine.

  • Romans: Text, Readers, and the History of Interpretation
    By Stephen Westerholm

    2, e West from the Fathers to the Reformation (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969), 392; Richard Marsden, “ e Bible in English,” in e New Cambridge History of the Bible, vol. 2, From 600 to 1450, ed.

  • Romans
    By Douglas J. Moo

    Its message forces us to evaluate who we are, who God is, and what our place in this world ought to be. Going beyond the usual commentary, this volume brings the meaning of Paul's great letter into the twenty-first century.

  • Romans
    By Ray C. Stedman, Nancy J. Collins

    This book will change your life, just as it has changed thousands of lives through the centuries.

  • Romans: A Shorter Commentary
    By C. E. B. Cranfield

    This is an abridged version of Cranfield's magisterial 3 volume commentary on Romans for the International Critical Commentary series.

  • Romans: The Gospel of God for Obedience to the Faith
    By Sarah Ivill

    The New Testament book of Romans declares the gospel according to Paul, tracing the good news of what Jesus has done within the framework of salvation history—creation, the fall, redemption, and consummation.

  • Romans
    By Baker Publishing Group, Lifetogether

    Memorizing Scripture. At the start of each session you will find a memory verse—a verse for the group to memorize each week. Encourage your group members to do this. Memorizing God's Word is both directed and celebrated throughout the ...

  • Romans: A Concise Guide to the Greatest Letter Ever Written
    By Andrew David Naselli

    For more detail, see D. A. Carson and Douglas J. Moo, An Introduction to the New Testament, 2nd ed. ... according to Romans,” in The Doctrine on Which the Church Stands or Falls: Justification in Historical, Biblical, Theological, ...

  • Romans: Chapters 1-8
    By French L. Arrington

    ROMANS: A PATH TO TRANSFORMATION is an exciting, hands-on approach to studying the Bible.

  • Romans: An Introduction and Commentary
    By F. F. Bruce

    While Romans has been among the most influential books of the New Testament, it has also been the subject of some of the church?s most heated debates.

  • Romans
    By Frank J. Matera

    Attending to the literary, historical, and theological dimensions of Romans, Matera judiciously guides his readers in a careful study of the biblical text. All who are interested in Romans will be grateful to Matera for this fine work.

  • Romans: A Structural, Thematic, and Exegetical Commentary
    By Aaron Sherwood

    Are we truly following Paul's meaning? What if we reread Romans on its own terms, with sensitivity to its flow and structure? Aaron Sherwood's Romans commentary keeps Paul's argument central.

  • Romans: Encountering the Gospel's Power
    By John Stott

    The gospel has power: the power to save us, the power to change the world. The truth in Romans will transform your thinking and convict your heart as you discover the power of the gospel for every area of your life and our world.

  • Romans: Righteousness from Heaven
    By R. Kent Hughes

    Useful for corporate or individual study, this volume will encourage and equip believers in their walk with God and understanding of his Word. Part of the Preaching the Word series.

  • Romans: Paul's Masterpiece on Grace: Bible Commentary
    By Andrew Wommack

    "If Romans isn't one of your favorite books, then you do not have a revelation of the true Gospel!" - Andrew Wommack Nowhere besides the book of Romans is there a more comprehensive explanation of the Gospel.

  • Romans
    By Craig S. Keener

    Where relevant, he draws on his vast work in ancient Jewish and Greco-Roman sources in order to help modern readers understand the message of Romans according to the way the first audience would have heard it.

  • Romans: Believers Church Bible Commentary
    By John E. Toews

    Romans was written by Paul, apostle of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles.