Romeo and Juliet

  • Romeo and Juliet
    By William Shakespeare, David M. Bevington, Barbara Gaines

    To enhance your learning, notes and definitions appear directly opposite the line in which they occur, and a review section follows the play. This edition also introduces you to the life, works, and times of William Shakespeare.

  • Romeo and Juliet: A Tragedy, in Five Acts
    By William Shakespeare

    The ornaments are carefully arranged, unchanging, and 'will probably remain intact for thousands of years' (l.56). These objects belong to the first major character encountered in the novel, the landlady Frl. Schroeder, and they stand ...

  • Romeo and Juliet
    By William Shakespeare

    From the Royal Shakespeare Company – a fresh new edition of the most famous of all love stories THIS EDITION INCLUDES: • An illuminating introduction to Romeo and Juliet by award-winning scholar Jonathan Bate • The play - with clear ...

  • Romeo and Juliet
    By William Shakespeare

    Here is an elegant and clear text for either the study or the rehearsal room, notes where you need them and the distinguished scholarship of the general editors, Stephen Orgel and A. R. Braunmuller who understand that these are plays for ...

  • Romeo and Juliet: Third Series
    By William Shakespeare

    Q1 PRINCE Escalus] Cam (after Brooke); Prince Eskales Q2–4, F; the Prince Q187 brawls] Q2–4, Q1; Broyles F 90 ancient elderly, venerable 91 grave-beseeming ornaments sober and solemn attire; with probable word-play on grave meaning ...

  • Romeo and Juliet: mit deutscher Kommentierung von Nicolaus Delius
    By William Shakespeare

    233 Schreiner, Tischler, Wagner. 234 Eichhörnchen. 235 Larve, Raupe. 236 Wagenmacher. 237 Die Kniee der Höflinge werden als der Teil erwähnt, der bei ihnen in ihren Kneibeugungen und Kratzfüssen, ihren Hauptbeschäftigungen, ...

  • Romeo and Juliet
    By William Shakespeare

    The Norton Critical Edition includes: · Introductory materials and explanatory annotations by Gordon McMullan as well as numerous images. · Sources and early rewritings by Luigi Da Porto, Matteo Bandello, Pierre Boaistuau, Kareen Seidler, ...

  • Romeo and Juliet: Parallel Texts of Quarto 1 (1597) and Quarto 2 (1599)
    By William Shakespeare

    Parallel Texts of Quarto 1 (1597) and Quarto 2 (1599) William Shakespeare Jay L. Halio. FRIAR LAURENCE Go with me thither. [BALTHASAR] I dare not, sir. He knows not I am here. On pain of death he charged me to be gone And not for to ...

  • Romeo and Juliet: Third Series
    By William Shakespeare

    (Riv2, 1102) Its influence on Shakespeare has been extensively studied at least since J.J. Munro's edition of Brooke (1908), most notably by Geoffrey Bullough, who sees Brooke as one of C.S. Lewis's 'drab' writers, that is, ...

  • Romeo and Juliet
    By William Shakespeare

    Extended glossaries are aligned with the play text for easy reference. Expanded endnotes include extensive essay-writing guidance for 'Romeo and Juliet' and Shakespeare.

  • Romeo and Juliet
    By William Shakespeare

    Hinman, Charlton. The Norton Facsimile: The First Folio of Shakespeare. 2nd ed. New York: W. W. Norton, 1996. This facsimile presents a photographic reproduction of an “ideal” copy of the First Folio of Shakespeare; Hinman attempts to ...

  • Romeo and Juliet: Texts and Contexts
    By William Shakespeare

    This edition of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet reprints the Bevington edition of the play accompanied by six sets of thematically arranged primary documents and illustrations designed to fit many different approaches to Shakespeare’s ...

  • Romeo and Juliet
    By William Shakespeare

    The Norton Critical Edition includes: - Introductory materials and explanatory annotations by Gordon McMullan as well as numerous images.

  • Romeo and Juliet: York Notes Advanced
    By William Shakespeare

    ... with an essay on Romeo and Juliet by Julia Kristeva Juliet Dusinberre, Shakespeare and the Nature of Women, Macmillan, 1975 → An excellent introduction to the subject Terry Eagleton, William Shakespeare, Blackwell, 1986 → A lively ...

  • Romeo and Juliet: Easyread Super Large 24pt Edition
    By William Shakespeare

    BENVOLIO: She will indite him to some supper. MERCUTIO: A bawd, a bawd, a bawd! so ho! ROMEO: What hast thou found? MERCUTIO: No hare, sir; unless a hare, sir, in a lenten pie, that is something stale and hoar ere it be spent. [Sings.] ...

  • Romeo and Juliet: A Tragedy in Five Acts
    By R.S. White

    Michel de Certeau, The Practice of Everyday Life (Berkeley, CA, 1984; cited in Henry Jenkins, Textual Poachers: Television Fans and Participatory Culture (New York and London, 1992), pp. 44–5. These distinctions point to the boundaries ...

  • Romeo and Juliet
    By Mark Morris, Duncan Beal

    This Teacher Resource File includes photocopiable worksheets that offer a range of practical activities to engage students with issues of expression and stage presentation.

  • Romeo and Juliet
    By William Shakespeare, Margaret Early

    In the same style as the author's previous best-selling titles William Tell and Robin Hood, here is the classic story of two teenagers who fall in love at first sight, not knowing the terrible events that await them.

  • Romeo and Juliet
    By Michael Rosen, Jane Ray

    The tale is told scene by scene in a simple lively style, with dialogue reproducing Shakespeare's own words so that the most celebrated passages of the play are retained in their original form.

  • Romeo and Juliet: York Notes for GCSE (9-1)
    By John Polley, Jo Heathcote, John Scicluna

    "This updated edition is designed to support students in study and revision for the new GCSE (9-1) English Literature exams."--Publisher's description.