Safeguarding Adults in Nursing Practice

  • Safeguarding Adults in Nursing Practice
    By Ruth Northway, Robert Jenkins

    As Griffith and Tengnah (2014) argue, 'the duty of confidence is not absolute. There will be occasions when information about a patient will need to be disclosed to others' (p224). However they also note that any disclosure must be to ...

  • Safeguarding Adults in Nursing Practice
    By Ruth Northway, Robert Jenkins

    This book seeks to raise nurses' awareness of vulnerability, abuse and neglect whilst providing them with the knowledge and skills required to safeguard those within their care.

  • Safeguarding Adults in Nursing Practice
    By Ruth Northway, Robert Jenkins

    She is a Qualified Mental Health Nurse with a wide range of clinical experience spanning more than 20 years. ... in Adult Nursing Nursing Adults with Long Tem conditions (2nd Ed) Safeguarding Adults in Nursing Practice You can find more ...

  • Safeguarding Adults in Nursing Practice
    By Ruth Northway, Robert Jenkins

    This Second Edition answers all of the key questions including: What is neglect? What makes someone vulnerable? What role does safeguarding play? What does good safeguarding look like? Why can safeguarding fail?

  • Safeguarding Adults in Nursing Practice
    By Ruth Northway, Robert Jenkins

    Internationaljournal of Palliative Nursing, 16(4): 17348. Association of Directors of Social Services (ADSS) (2005) Scy'fleguarding Adults. London: ADSS. Available online at 0/o20— ...