
  • Salem
    By Kenneth C. Turino, Stephen J. Schier

    Salem, Massachusetts, is one of the most historic settlements in the United States.

  • Salem
    By Jerome M. Curley, Nelson L. Dionne

    The Turner House , built for Capt . John book The House of the Seven Gables . In Turner in 1668 , went through many changes 1908 , the house was purchased , restored , over the generations . Additions and gables and opened as a museum ...

  • Salem: From Naumkeag to Witch City
    By Jim McAllister

    Hamilton Hall SS Hamilton Hall was designed by Salem's great architect - carver Samuel McIntire . McIntire came from a long line of housewrights and carpenters . Early in his career he caught the eye of Elias Derby and built or ...

  • Salem: A Novel
    By Richard Scott

    History comes to life. Salem is the story of America from the Mayflower to modern times. It's the story of two families-the Delanos and the Deanes-who arrive in the New World three years after the Mayflower.

  • Salem: Place, Myth, and Memory
    By Nancy Lusignan Schultz, Dane Anthony Morrison

    In this volume, contributors from a variety of fields examine Salem's multiple urban identities: frontier outpost of European civilization, cosmopolitan seaport, gateway to the Far East, refuge for religious diversity, center for education, ...

  • Salem
    By Jerome M. Curley, Nelson L. Dionne

    Trading with China made Salem the richest city in America, generating a living architectural history. As Salem developed, it preserved much of its history.

  • Salem
    By Christy Van Heukelem, Tom Fuller

    " Both words mean "peace." Salem's central location, in the middle of the Willamette Valley's agricultural belt, made it an ideal location for the new capital of Oregon.

  • Salem
    By Katherine Khalife, Douglas W. Seed

    Salem, a border town located in southern New Hampshire, boasts a rich and fascinating history.

  • Salem
    By Terome Fordham III

    Witchcraft, Wrath, and war. Salem, Oregon isn't a tourist destination, or even remotely interesting at all. However, even a small town can hide big secrets.

    By Daniel Le Roux

    Deux parties rigoureusement identiques, égales en tous points, prenant chacune une direction opposée. ... Parfois, nous devons tout recommencer, tout effacer, tout détruire, lorsqu'un de nos mondes ne nous satisfait pas.

  • Salem: Sting in the Tail. 2013 Book Special
    By Jason Usher

    This Salem Prequel Set Before The Coming Events Of Doctor Who: The Day Of The Doctor.

  • Salem
    By Stephen King

    Le Maine, 1970. Ben Mears revient à Salem, s'installer à Marsten House, inhabitée depuis la mort tragique de ses propriétaires, vingt-ans auparavant.

  • Salem: roman
    By Stephen King

    Le Maine, 1970. Ben Mears revient à Salem s'installer à Marsten House, inhabitée depuis la mort tragique de ses propriétaires, vingt-cinq ans auparavant.

  • Salem
    By Stephen King

    Un chien est immolé, un enfant disparaît et l'horreur s'infiltre, s'étend, se répand, aussi inéluctable que la nuit qui descend sur Salem.

  • Salem: roman
    By Stephen King

    Salem: roman

  • Salem
    By Paula Nadal Sosa

    Clara es una joven de 21 años con las ideas muy claras. Estudia en la universidad y tiene muy claro qué quiere en la vida, pero todo da un giro inesperado cuando debe mudarse a Salem (Massachussets) con su madre.