1829, DLC-Chase; John B. Boles, ed., A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of the William Wirt Papers (Baltimore, 1971), 3-8; Warden, Chase, part I. 29. S. P. Chase to Sparhawk, 18 Sept. 1827, Sept. 1828, 20 April 1829, OCHi-Chase; ...
Sam Houston was especially open and friendly. Chase noted that his linen was dirty and his dress careless.63 Corwin presented Chase's credentials to Vice President Fillmore, who swore him in and then ushered Chase to his seat on the ...
Salmon P. Chase was one of the principal political figures in the Civil War period.
Salmon P. Chase is best remembered as a rival of Lincoln’s for the Republican nomination in 1860—but there would not have been a national Republican Party, and Lincoln could not have won the presidency, were it not for the groundwork ...
... July 8, 1861, Cameron Papers, LC; Chase to Potter, July 22, 1861, Chase Papers, HSP; Chase to William Gray, September 18, 1861, Schuckers, 431; Paul Kahan, Amiable Scoundrel: Simon Cameron, Lincoln's Secretary of War (2016).
Frederick Blue has done extensive research among Chase's voluminous and often hard-to-read correspondence, and has incorporated pertinent collateral primary and secondary sources as well, to produce the first modern biography of this key ...
Salmon P. Chase