
  • Samuel
    By Evan Snowberger

    The best player on the team was a tall boy for their age named Ryan Fuller. Chad thought he was Ryan's best friend and only rightly so since, in Chad's mind, they were both the best athletes in the seventh grade. Much to Chad's dismay, ...

  • Samuel: Samuel's Pride Series
    By Kathi S. Barton

    Samuel only wants to protect her from her brother, he isn't counting on falling in love. Samuel is a Were-Lion. Now that he's mated, he is either supposed to be with his original pride or form a pride of his own.

  • Samuel
    By Jeff Lucas

    Difficult times are certainly not new. History is riddled with accounts of trouble, war, fear, economic uncertainty, and so on. The prophet Samuel was called by God for just such a time. What can we learn from his example?

  • Samuel
    By Paul Sharp

    Samuel flipped the lure towards the far bank of the river, right above the swirl of water around a large boulder.

  • Samuel: American Allegory
    By Jeremy Zaugg

    SAMUEL: AMERICAN ALLEGORY is an allegory of American history from 1492 to World War Two.The book is set in the second half of the eighteenth century and is narrated by Aurora, a young American girl traveling to England for the first time ...

  • Samuel: O ressurgimento da oração
    By Rodrigo Aldeia

    Para reconquistar a autoridade nas regiões celestiais, Samuel instruiu o povo sobre o poder contido nas orações coletivas. Neste livro, entenderemos como as orações coletivas de Samuel restauraram todo Israel.

  • Samuel: The Man of God
    By Shaul Bar

    The book of Samuel starts with his birth and ends with Saul's death on Mount Gilboa. The character of Samuel, who has been equally compared to Moses and Aaron, serves as a link between the various stories.

  • Samuel: The Man of God
    By Shaul Bar

    ... Samuel and the Shaping of the Tradition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. ———. “Something Old Something Older: Reconsidering 1 Sam 2:27–36.” Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 4.6 (2003). Levine ...