Bailey's Cafe. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1992. Neely, Mark E., Jr. The Last Best Hope of Earth: Abraham Lincoln and the Promise ofAmerica. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1993. Nelson, Jack.
Nicholson, Arthur, Hostages to Fortune. Winston Churchill and the Loss of the Prince of Wales and Repulse (2005) Sutton Publishing, Stroud. ... Thompson, Peter, The Battle for Singapore. The True Story of the Greatest Catastrophe of ...
A.V. Alexander to Lady Phillips, December 21 1941. Phillips Papers. Hough, op.cit.166. Letter Dudley Pound to Lady Phillips. Phillips Papers. Gray, op.cit. 31. Captain L.H. Bell, letter to Arthur Marder, 24 March 1975. Marder Papers.
14 Rosemary Garland Thompson, quoted in Rose, The Staff of Oedipus, 34. 15 Ogden, The Crooked Kings of ... Hector Avalos, Sarah J. Melcher and Jeremy Schipper (Society of Biblical Literature, 2007), 36. 21 Frederick Hall, The Pedigree ...
On 15 February 1942, General Arthur Percival surrendered Singapore to the Japanese, along with over 85,000 British, Indian and Australian soldiers. Churchill declared the fall of Singapore to be 'the...
This is the story of a NTSB investigation gone awry and one pilot's decade-long battle to clear his name.
From medieval witch burning to reality TV, this is a brilliantly relevant and timely social history that looks at the obsession, mania, persecution, and injustice of scapegoating. “A wry, entertaining study of the history of blame . . .
Patrick Flint meets The River Wild when his son is critically injured on a river trip, Patrick Flint finds himself in a race against time and a gang of outlaws who are determined the Flints won't make it out of Wyoming's Gros Ventre ...
This is the story of a NTSB investigation gone awry and one pilot’s decade-long battle to clear his name.
Henderson, North Carolina was in 1959 the scene of one of the country's ugliest and most protracted labor strikes, brought about by the attempt of the Harriet-Henderson Cotton Mills to...
Pathetic, contrite and hapless, Benjamin is nonetheless the scapegoat at The Store: there is nothing for which he cannot be blamed.
In the Choat family, you never have to look hard to find a culprit.
Scapegoat: The Lonesome Death of Bruno Richard Hauptmann
The individual, group, or object that is deemed the scapegoat had been perceived as the cause of the troubling circumstances and has become the target of aggression.Scapegoating is the quintessential example of a ritual practice that ...
In his new explosive expose, "Scapegoat," investigative journalist J. Patrick O'Connor reveals how the sheriff's office and the district attorney's office of San Bernardino County framed Cooper for these horrific murders.
Scapegoat: A Novel
On Yom Kippur, Jews of antiquity would sacrifice two goats: one killed as an offering to a harsh and judging god, the other taken to the wilderness and turned loose,...
J.R. Church, a Texas pastor, wrote a book in the 1980's showing how this works for years up to 1985.