
  • Schizo: The Tale of a Troubled Mind
    By Milton V. Thomas III

    This story is of encounters of a mind that has such a strong imagination that most may say it becomes unhealthy and could deem it mentally unstable to be among society.

  • Schizo: A novel
    By Nic Sheff

    Written by Nic Sheff, son of David Sheff (author of Beautiful Boy, the memoir adapted into a movie of the same name starring Steve Carell and Timothée Chalamet), Schizo is the fascinating, and ultimately quite hopeful, story of one teen's ...

  • Schizo: The Liberatory Potential of Madness
    By Fiona Ann Papps, Irina Lyubchenko

    This volume was first published by Inter-Disciplinary Press in 2016. The term madness continues to perplex, to puzzle and to provoke.

  • Schizo
    By Kim Firmston

    A teenage boy struggles to keep his family together, while his mother's schizophrenia tears them apart.

  • Schizo: Hidden in Plain Sight
    By Ilene B. Benator

    "An ambitious future surgeon on his psychiatry rotation is assigned a patient who reveals to him information about an organized plot to control the population.

  • Schizo
    By PH D, Thomas E Berry

    While the family meets many challenges, the sad death of the mother leaves the couple alone to face their fate. Dr. Thomas Berry is a retired Professor of Russian Language and Literature.

  • Schizo
    By Nic Sheff


  • Schizo
    By Frank Lee

    Eric Taylor is not normal.