School Improvement

  • School Improvement: International Perspectives
    By Michael Williams, Zijian Li

    (Earl and LeMahieu, 1997) • How can we make good use of information and communications technology to facilitate the lifelong learning of both teachers and students and contribute to curriculum renewal? q How can we take account of ...

  • School Improvement: What's in it for Schools?
    By Alma Harris

    This concise, accessible book provides an overview for the busy teacher about the connections between school improvement and improving what goes on in the classroom. The book illustrates how classroom improvement occurs.

  • School Improvement: Best Practices from China
    By Decheng Zhao

    The underlying themes provide an overview of effective schools, principals and stakeholders in school improvement, external support functions, evaluation of school improvement, policies of local education authorities, and conceptual ...

  • School Improvement: Let the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders Work for You
    By Rocky Wallace

    This book is a descriptive treatment of the Professional Standards for Education Leaders (PSEL), developed by several professors in Kentucky who teach graduate ed leadership courses, and their colleagues at the Kentucky Department of ...

  • School Improvement: An Unofficial Approach
    By Martin Thrupp

    The predictable effect of policies which open up choice and diversity is that high SES schools tend to become thoroughly oversubscribed and can choose their students, while low SES schools struggle to maintain their rolls and have to ...

  • School Improvement: What's In It For Schools?
    By Alma Harris

    This book aims to demystify the principles and practice of school improvement by demonstrating how successful classroom and school improvement occurs.

  • School Improvement: Revitalize Your School with Strategic Planning
    By Dr. Debra A. Tracy

    Revitalize Your School with Strategic Planning Dr. Debra A. Tracy ... There are two purposes for monitoring: monitoring the implementation of the plan and monitoring student progress. Each of these purposes is important for a number of ...

  • School Improvement: What's in it for Schools?
    By Alma Harris

    This concise, accessible book provides an overview for the busy teacher about the connections between school improvement and improving what goes on in the classroom. The book illustrates how classroom improvement occurs.

  • School Improvement: Let the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders Work for You
    By Rocky Wallace

    This resource is an excellent guide for any school leader, as it breaks down PSEL, and follows with bulleted examples and scenarios that illustrate 'best practice' in serving a school effectively and creating a culture of school improvement ...

  • School Improvement: Theory and Practice : a Book of Readings
    By Edward R. Ducharme, Robert V. Carlson

    This collection provides a comprehensive analysis of the school improvement movement. Contains reports of research studies, descriptions of successful school improvement efforts, analyses of educational theory and practice, and critiques...