The only review based on the field''s cornerstone text: Schwartz''s Principles of Surgery, Tenth Edition "It will be particularly helpful to those in general surgery training programs, to general surgeons facing their board exams or ...
A GIANT LEAP FORWARD IN MODERN SURGERY! This significant new edition of "Schwartz's Principles of Surgery" marks a milestone achievement in the education of surgeons.
Resource added for the Surgical Technologist program 315121.
From cover to cover, the book reflects a distinctly modern approach in the dissemination of surgical knowledge, providing up-to-date coverage of all key surgical areas, from trauma and transplantation, to neurosurgery.
Preceded by Schwartz's principles of surgery / editor-in-chief, F. Charles Brunicardi; associate editors, Dana K. Andersen ... [et al.]. 9th ed. c2010.
Schwartz's Principles of Surgery
Schwartz's Principles of Surgery