Something wants to watch the world burn...
I've seen movement and reflections from binoculars . " “ What's the distance ? ” Blancanales asked . “ Extreme . Maybe a half mile away , and three or ... Blancanales asked . “ Only chance we've got to get out— " Gadgets 74 Scorched Earth.
Scorched Earth: The Military's Assault on the Environment
This large-format coffee table book showcases the unexpected and stunning beauty from some of the world's harshest deserts.
On show are new large scale paintings which reimagine some of the seminal late works of Van Gogh, in particular the lost painting The Painter on the Road to Tarascon but also The Wheatfield with a Reaper and Enclosed Field with a Peasant, ...
Refusing the digital world of late capitalism In this uncompromising essay, Jonathan Crary presents the obvious but unsayable reality: our “digital age” is synonymous with the disastrous terminal stage of global capitalism and its ...
Scorched Earth is profusely illustrated with dozens of B&W photos, including many rare "action shots" from Needham's stash of Scorchers' memorabilia.
Serbian terrorists are the war dogs of the Russian mafiya, who in turn is holding hands with traitors deep within the U.S. government. The Serb-Russian alliance has become a nightmare...
A thousand years into the future, a post-apocalyptic world re-emerges, with mankind suffering all the same foibles that thrust it into this new dark age.The future is a history blended by fantasy and myth, and sophisticated science.
Breathlessly action-packed and boasting a winning combination of thrills, humour and mysticism, the Destroyer is one of the bestselling series of all time.
Scorched Earth is the first book to chronicle the effects of chemical warfare on the Vietnamese people and their environment, where, even today, more than 3 million people—including 500,000 children—are sick and dying from birth defects ...
As the White House and Pentagon cover up with reflective tinfoil to ward off deadly superheated rays from an invisible object in space that vaporized biobubble habitat scientists, Remo and...
In Scorched Earth, Barker, an environmental reporter who was on the ground and in the smoke during the 1988 fires, shows us that many of today's arguments over fire and the nature of public land began to take shape soon after the Civil War.
Author Tom Morgan wrote about the end of the world.
From the New York Times bestselling author of We All Looked Up comes the exciting conclusion to the “haunting…beautiful and heartbreaking” (School Library Journal) Anchor & Sophia trilogy, where the rules of humanity come to a head in ...
Scorched Earth
... Cycles of Conquest: The Impact of Spain, Mexico, and the United States on the Indians of the Southwest, 1533–1960 (Tuscon: University of Arizona Press, 1976 [1962]), 152–209. On the Zuni, see Gregson Schachner, Population Circulation ...
" Now read the book that predicted Trump's victory in the first place and helped sweep him into the White House.
... Army Lists and Commission Registers 1661–1714 . 6 vols . London . vol . iii . Debrett , J. 1829 : Debrett's Peerage ... Hospital Care and the British Standing Army , 1660–1714 . Aldershot . Gutmann , M. P. 1980 : War and Rural Life in ...