Many of the patients who suffered from hearing impairment were being treated for tuberculous meningitis and the deafness may have resulted from tuberculous involvement of the eighth nerve rather than from the streptomycin ( Jamieson ...
Canadian Journal of Otolaryngology , 3 , 407–511 CHERRY , J. and MARGULIES , S. 1. ... Clinical Otolaryngology , 7 , 269-277 ELWOOD , J. M. , PEARSON , J. C. , SKIPPEN , D. H. and JACKSON , S. M. ( 1984 ) Alcohol , smoking , social and ...
Differential diagnosis The syndactyly of Apert syndrome is much more severe and consistent than in other craniosynostosis - syndactyly syndromes such as Pfeiffer , Saethre - Chotzen and Carpenter syndromes .
... during the ragweed season is directly related to the sensitivity of cells to ragweed antigen E. Serum levels of specific ... used for diagnosis ( that is skin prick tests or the radioallergosorbent test - RAST ) and immunotherapy .
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