Second Chances

  • Second Chances
    By Lewis Allen Lambert

    Second Chances is introduced by a timeline of events following the life of protagonist Jeff Savage, who graduates from Stanford, enters the Air Force, plays for the New York Yankees, builds a family, and finds happiness in life's changes.

  • Second Chances
    By Cindy Troy

    Second Chances tells the story of a true love lost to the ravages of cancer, leaving 35-year old Chase McCormick alone to care for his four-year old daughter.

  • Second Chances
    By Susan Shwartz

    Nearing the end of his military career, Jim is given the task of guarding a commercial enterprise crucial to humankind's well-being, but his ideals and his future are threatened by a scandal that could destroy everything in which he ...

  • Second Chances
    By Nika Dixon

    Jackson Hale is through with rescuing Casey Marshall.

  • Second Chances
    By Tracy Hughes

    Second Chances by Tracy Hughes released on Aug 23, 1991 is available now for purchase.