Not long after I had been born, Darlene Pearson (I can think of her only as Darlene Pearson), my maternal grandmother, sold the store, and it had been sold again since. She moved away, or, as I had heard V. C. ANDREWS 12.
Miller played with the little carswasnow faded and worn. Roylin staredatthegeometric patternsand remembered driving thetoy cars alongthe rug'sshapes and lines many years ago. Over in the corner were piles of newspapers.
Presents the work of the Marvel Comics cartoonist known for his relatively realistic style and for the 1970s series "The Tomb of Dracula," and includes his work on such comic books as "Daredevil" and "Howard the Duck."
Somehow, I made all the right turns and ended up in front of the bus depot. ... I went into the depot and asked the attendant when the last bus ... He told me it had left nearly two hours earlier and by now had arrived in Albany.
Vampires They hunt in every major city, hidden by the crowds, shielded by disbelief.
In the sequel to Secrets in the Attic, Alice, whose mother is a murderer confined to a mental institution, is sent to live with her aunt Zipporah following a tragic accident on prom night, but when she visits the asylum where her mother ...
Secrets in the Shadows
In this follow-up to "Watchers in the Night," Jules Gerard, a Guardian of the Night, learns that the man who turned him into a vampire is in Baltimore.
Secrets in the Shadows is the account of best friends Michael and Wolfie who are boys growing up in Nazi Germany.
Secrets in the Shadows