... Vincent MAGNETISM Stephen Blundell MALTHUS Donald Winch MAMMALS T. S. Kemp MANAGEMENT John Hendry MAO Delia Davin ... MEXICAN REVOLUTION Alan Knight MICHAEL FARADAY Frank A. J. L. James MICROBIOLOGY Nicholas P. Money MICROECONOMICS ...
These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
In this short introduction Andrew Copson tells the story of secularism, taking in momentous episodes in world history, such as the great transition of Europe from religious orthodoxy to pluralism, the global struggle for human rights and ...
Andrew Copson tells the story of secularism from its origins in Europe and Asia to today.
What is secularism?
This book is an ideal starting point for anyone seeking a readable introduction to the often-conflicting interpretations of one of our era’s most complex and controversial ideas.