History on peasants, nobles, and rural revolution in 18th-century France.
In his book, Seeds of Change, Dr. Tim L. Adsit tells the story of his parents' time in China—their struggles and their triumphs. Adsit gives the reader the opportunity to relive the missionary lives of Reverends Glyn and Jean.
O'Brien and ACORN's “lifers”—Talbott, Kelleher, Butler, and Jon and Steve Kest—reported directly to Rathke. Under Rathke's new plan, the lifers, instead of reporting directly to him, would report to O'Brien.
... 2004; Dan McKay, “Bernalillo Thinks Forms May Be Fake: Sheriff Wants Voter Card Probe,” Albuquerque Journal, August 6, 2004; Dan McKay, “Too Young to Vote,” Albuquerque Journal, August 20, 2004; Dan McKay, “'Dad of Voter' Joins Suit ...
Coretta Scott King/John Steptoe Award for New Talent in Illustrations, EMIERT/ALA Notable Books for a Global Society, International Reading Association (IRA) Amelia Bloomer Project - Feminist Task Force, American Library...
In “Possession,” the familiar phrase “Never let me down” is given new life as both a declaration of need and a celebration of a gift given: possession The things I wish for are: A color. A forest. The devil and ice in my mouth.
Frances Moore Lappé would later write about ACORN: “Living Democracy means ongoing change, and change implies, minimally, that somebody thinks we can improve on the status quo. No big shock, then, that somebody else feels criticized.
An account of the historical influences of six commercial plants, including sugar, tea, cotton, potatoes, quinine, and coca, evaluates their role in the Atlantic slave trade, opening up of China, and establishment of multiple colonial ...
A guide for professionals, business leaders, aspiring entrepreneurs and change makers to learn how to surf the wave of disruption to new shores of opportunities.
A collection of nine stories speculates on the future of pivotal issues ranging from race relations and global warming to technological advancement and political revolution.
Laments the trend toward biosimilarity and warns of its dangers, then outlines the efforts of Seeds of Change to preserve biodiversity through providing organic seeds, and lastly offers recipes that employ these better-tasting organic foods ...
Seeds of Change
... Henry Hobhouse takes six commercials plants - sugar, tea, cotton, the potato, quinine and the coca plant - and shows how man's need, or greed, for these products has changed the face of history and shaped destinies.
Seeds of Change: The Spiritual Quest of Kerry Livgren
A new interpretation of the past five hundred years of human history examines how the transfer of quinine, sugar, tea, cotton, and the potato from their native habitats to new...
The Denver Citiplex is a technological masterpiece, but is also a living hell for those who have been labelled by computer analysis as potential deviants.
Presents the different contributions made to the New World by European explorers and settlers and the effects these contributions had on American history and cultural life.
Chronicles the challenges of Aboriginal environmental management, adaptation to arid lands, plant fashions, and the changing face of horticulture, landscape design and botany.