
  • Selling: Building Partnerships
    By John Tanner, Stephen Castleberry

    This is followed by thorough discussion of the salesperson as manager and how planning and continual learning enable effective selling and career growth.

  • Selling: Building Partnerships
    By Stephen B. Castleberry, John F. Tanner, Jr.

    Account-based marketing, customer lifetime value, artificial intelligence-all are influencing the way sales is done and taught.

  • Selling: Building Partnerships
    By Stephen B. Castleberry, John F. Tanner, Barton A. Weitz

    26–30 ; Rebecca L. Morgan , “ Defrosting Telephone Cold Calls , ” American Salesman , August 1996 , pp . 22–26 ; Jeffrey Gitomer , “ Find a Method to Make Cold Calling Work , ” Washington Business Journal , October 4 , 1996 , pp .

  • Selling: The Profession
    By David J. Lill

    Sexual Harassment in Action Read the following true - life situation ( in disguised form ) and imagine what you would do if you were in Sue's position . “ Yes sir , I'll schedule that with our driver for a Tuesday delivery , ” Sue said ...

  • Selling
    By Roger Ditzenberger, John Kidney

    Deb Staton " In fact , Mrs. Johnson , if someone were buying a briefcase for you , this one would probably fulfill your needs , wouldn't it ? ” ( Smiling ) “ Yes , it would . ” Mrs. Johnson The salesperson attempted to determine the ...

  • Selling: Building Partnerships
    By John F. Tanner, Barton A. Weitz, Stephen Bryon Castleberry

    ... learning , 569–570 Joel , David , 337 Johlke , Mark C. , 579 Johnson , David , 374 Johnson , Eugene , 603 Johnson ... Sherriff T.K. , 595 Lummus Rhonda , 593 Lumpkin , James , 590 Lundin , Rolf , 412 Lustig , Myron , 154 Lynch ...

  • Selling: The Profession
    By David J. Lill

    Selling: The Profession

  • Selling: Personal Preparation, Persuasion, Strategy
    By Richard Wendel, Walter F. Gorman

    John Greenwald , " Falling Back to 1985 , p . 28c . . Earth . ” Time , March 3 , 1986 , p . 56 . 26. The trends in this section have been 31. Cateora , p . 498 . selected from among those appearing 32. James M. Hulbert and William K. in ...

  • Selling: Powerful New Strategies for Sales Success
    By Gary May, Kevin Hogan, Dave Lakhani

    This book explores the cutting edge of persuasive selling that can transform salespeople into superstars.

  • Selling: Building Partnerships
    By Stephen B. Castleberry, John F. Tanner, Barton A. Weitz

    Selling: Building Partnerships

  • Selling: Building Partnerships
    By John F. Tanner, Barton A. Weitz, Stephen Byron Castleberry

    Selling: Building Partnerships

  • Selling: Building Partnerships
    By John Tanner, Stephen Castleberry

    This is followed by a complete discussion of how effective selling and career growth are achieved through planning and continual learning.

  • SELLING: Building Partnerships

    SELLING: Building Partnerships

  • Selling: Building Partnerships Ise
    By John F. Tanner, Barton A. Weitz, Stephen Bryon Castleberry

    Selling: Building Partnerships Ise

  • Selling: Building Partnerships
    By Jennifer Park

    Selling: Building Partnerships

  • Selling: Building Partnerships
    By Weitz

    Selling: Building Partnerships

  • Selling: Building Partnerships
    By Weithz

    Selling: Building Partnerships

  • Selling: High-Level Into Mega-Level Selling in Three Years : A Proven Formula to Earn a Six Figure Income Quickly
    By Jim Anderson

    Selling: High-Level Into Mega-Level Selling in Three Years : A Proven Formula to Earn a Six Figure Income Quickly

  • Selling: Building Partnerships
    By John F. Tanner, Stephen Bryon Castleberry

    Selling: Building Partnerships

  • Selling
    By Grant Cardone
