A History of American Financial Scandals Scott B. MacDonald, Jane E. Hughes. ated a space-age risk management ... Gibson was woefully unprepared to play in the derivatives markets with sharks like BT. Nonetheless, treasurer Jim Johnsen ...
An assessment closer to the mark was made by arbitrageur Martin Weinstein who, noting that Irwin Jacobs had been deep in conversation for hours with one of these women at the far end of the room, commented to a friend, "Tell Irwin he ...
The authors trace the history of financial scandals beginning with young republic days through the Enron/WorldCom debacle of modern times. Informative and entertaining, this book reveals human nature in all of its dubious shades of gray.
At the same time, the book exposes themes common to all financial scandals, which remain astonishingly unchanged over more than two centuries--greed, hubris, media connections, self-interested politicians, and booms-gone-bust, to name a few ...
" This book's accessible writing will interest the casual business reader as well as the seasoned investor.
... over pipelines, bridges, and express companies, and was empowered to require ... Tempest Over Teapot Dome: The Story of Albert B. Fall, p. xv. 13. Edward L. Doheny to Albert B. Fall, telegram, March 6, 1921, Albert B ... Teapot Dome Erupts 99.