In this bestselling book, internationally-acclaimed authors Annette Breaux and Todd Whitaker reveal the seven simple secrets of effective teaching that can be applied in any classroom.
Youcan deal withdisciplinechallenges inaproactivemanner or ina reactive manner. If you deal with them in a proactive manner, by nipping them in the budbeforethey escalate intoreal problems, yourapproaches willbeeffec- tive.
This Study Guide provides prompts and checklists to assist you as you reflect on the Seven Simple Secrets. It also serves facilitators and staff developers as a tool to help you organize book study groups.
Seven Simple Secrets: What the Best Teachers Know and Do
Annette Breaux, Todd Whitaker. Shifting the Monkey, Dealing with Difficult Teachers, Teaching Matters, Great Quotes for Great Educators, What Great Principals Do Differently, Motivating & Inspiring Teachers, and Dealing with Difficult ...
2004,144 pp.paperback 6691 $29.95 plus shippingand handling Also available— Study Guide: What Great TeachersDo Differently: 14 Things thatMatter Most Beth Whitaker and Todd Whitaker 2006, 96 pp. paperback 7024X 101 “ANSWERS” FOR NEW ...
This Study Guide provides prompts and checklists to assist you as you reflect on the Seven Simple Secrets. It also serves facilitators and staff developers as a tool to help you organize book study groups.
... choose the better, as opposed to the bitter, path. When a student misbehaves in the classroom of an effective teacher, here's what usu- ally happens: u The teacher acts instead of reacts. u The teacher speaks to the ... Better, Not Bitter.