
  • Shift
    By Hugh Howey

    Jimmy found the erasing rag behind Mrs. Pearson's desk. It was stiff and crusty, but the words still came off. Left behind was a smear, and Jimmy remembered the happy days of writing on the board in front of the class.

  • Shift: How Top Real Estate Agents Tackle Tough Times
    By Gary Keller, Dave Jenks, Jay Papasan

    Keller Williams CEO Mark Willis often shares that his inspirational and energetic mother, Rachael Willis, always taught him to “Do right—Fear not.” When you do the right things you leave fear behind. When you know what to do it's time ...

  • Shift: The Guided Trip Premium Edition eBook
    By Tim Kring, Dale Peck

    _lust under ten hours to write fifty pages. Chandler didn't think he could fill that many pages even if, like the proverbial monkey, all he did was hit random keys for the next ten hours, let alone attempt to lay out a cogent argument ...

  • Shift: The Spiritual Awakening of a Grieving Father
    By Jason Durham

    He would indeed come to experience a Shift in his understanding of life, self-worth, grief, and, ultimately, his beliefs. This book is for anyone who has experienced the passing of a loved one looking for hope during the grieving process.

  • SHIFT: How Top Real Estate Agents Tackle Tough Times (PAPERBACK)
    By Gary Keller, Dave Jenks, Jay Papasan

    MEGA AGENT MASTERMIND GROUP 2 FROM SPRING 2008 MASTERMINDS Back Row Margaret (Maggee) Miggins, Chris Carter, Kristina Arias, Jim Fischetti, Bud Cortner, Patrick W. Woods, Kelly Hagglund, Seychelle Van Poole, Barbara Van Poole, ...

  • Shift
    By Jeff Povey

    Get ready for one apocalyptic detention.

  • Shift: Inside Nissan's Historic Revival
    By Carlos Ghosn

    In Shift, Carlos Ghosn, the brilliant, audacious, and widely admired CEO of Nissan, recounts how he took the reins of the nearly bankrupt Japanese automotive company and achieved one of the most remarkable turnarounds in automotive—and ...

  • Shift: The Next Evolution in Baseball Thinking
    By Jeff Passan, Russell Carleton

    So what's on the horizon for a game that is constantly evolving? Positioned at the crossroads of sabermetrics and cognitive science, The Shift alters the trajectory of both traditional and analytics-based baseball thought.

  • Shift
    By Hugh Howey

    In Shift, the second volume of the New York Times best-selling Silo trilogy, Hugh Howey goes back to show the first days of the Silo, and the beginning of the end. Brilliantly written .

  • Shift: A User's Guide to the New Economy
    By Haydn Shaughnessy

    "Shift tells us everything we wanted to know about the emerging digital economy but were afraid to ask.

  • Shift: New Works by Alison Watt
    By Alison Watt

    Shift: New Works by Alison Watt

  • Shift
    By Hugh Howey

    This work contains material previously published as: First Shift, Second Shift, Third Shift.

  • Shift
    By Kim Curran

    He’s a ‘Shifter’. And that means he has the power to undo any decision he’s ever made. At first, he thinks the power to shift is pretty cool.

  • Shift: Change Your Mindset and You Change Your World
    By Steve Sax

    Harness The Power Of POSITIVITY There is no such thing as overnight success. Those millionaires in a minute stories are a blip on the radar. True sustainable success--at work or...

  • Shift
    By Karina Espinosa

    It's hard enough being an undergraduate student, an intern at Downtown Manhattan's police station, and a bouncer at a local bar.

  • Shift: How to Reinvent Your Business, Your Career, and Your Personal Brand
    By Peter Arnell

    With Shift, you’ll discover the steps you need to take in order to become the best you. Creating and revitalizing brands happens every day in business. Shift shows how you can make it happen for yourself and your personal brand.

  • Shift
    By Hugh Howey

    Aveva cercato rifugio in una nuova mostra intitolata «Gli architetti della Morte», attirato dalla promessa di disegni ordinati e a lui familiari. ... La disposizione di Auschwitz, le camere a gas, tutto chiaramente etichettato.

  • Shift: What It Takes to Finally Reach Families Today
    By Brian Haynes

    Whether you're just getting started ministering to families or you've got a full-blown family ministry, Shift helps you equip parents to become spiritual leaders in their homes.

  • Shift: 12 Keys to Shift Your Life
    By Marion Ross, Tracy Latz

    12 Keys to Shift Your Life Tracy Latz, Marion Ross. individual psychotherapy, nutritional or ayurvedic approaches. We do not encourage you to either stop or adjust medication without consulting your treating physician or healthcare ...

  • Shift: Three Big Moves for the 21st Century Church
    By Mark Tidsworth

    Through deconstructing the large-scale cultural shifts over the last 50 years, Mark Tidsworth helps make sense of the current cultural context for churches in North America.