The story centers around George Bailey, a man who repeatedly sacrifices his own dreams in order to help others. "So sad," thought our parents, as they reflected upon parallels between their own lives and that of Bailey.
Keith Hamilton for his encouragement and assistance in several ways. The Association is filled with precious friends who are a treasure in God's Kingdom. They have often been God's instruments to shape us and our ministry over the years ...
New York: St. Martin's, 1976. “Food from Waste Products.” Literary Digest 46 (January 4, 1913): 15-16. ... Haller, John S. American Medicine in Transition 1840-1910. Champaign-Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1981.
Rod Nelson is used to being someone's good time, and that's fine with him.
There's a term we use when walking this trail: 'The Camino provides.' I remember at one point, when I first did the walk across Spain, this guy we met said, 'Hey, you want to know how the first presidential debate went?' We went, 'No.
Rose translates the best from brain-based research into practical skills and strategies anybody can use. Field-tested on more than 100,000 people, these core concepts really work to reduce stress, manage anger, and improve relationships.
Shifting Gears weaves the story of the automobile with its effect on four generations of a Midwestern farm family, starting with the first car in Europe and ending with the dawn of the electric age.
Shifting Gears is a richly illustrated exploration of the American era of gear-and-girder technology.
She's not at all what he expected.
"Shifting Gears" is based on interviews with 50 retirees. The stories reveal the rich abundance of retirement ventures, from the exotic to the mundane.
In Shifting Gears, she explainsthe turmoil she endured before leaving, the daily hardships encountered incamping and biking in Third World countries, the brutally long miles of dailyriding, the language barriers, the personal dynamics of ...
The truth is it’s you who has to reach down and shift the gears so you can move forward. The same is true in life. "Shifting Gears" will help you find the right gear to help you gain traction, move forward, and accelerate your success.
Nuala Beck's bang-on ability to shatter old economic statistics and indicators and replace them with eye-opening facts and insights into where our economic future really lies gave all Canadians a positive, practical strategy for career and ...
Shows that the individual can adapt to rapid change in modern life by choosing a lifestyle that gives personal satisfaction and inner peace
"Shifting Gears supports district and school leaders and School Climate-Discipline team members to guide their own professional learning and that of the school's faculty and staff as they develop and implement a restorative, problem-solving ...
Brett-The quiet loner.
Half-vampire, half-witch, Valerie Hannigan thought she had a pretty sweet life.
This book deals with how one teen who was caught in a fast-paced, instant gratification age of electronic games and gadgets, dealt with having to compete in the slower paced life that was thrust upon her by circumstances she experienced.
If you have ever felt frustrated & stressed out at work. "Shifting Gears" will shine a light on the real problems and give you the tools to move forward towards your true potential.
Now Carole Hyatt makes this transition period easier with practical methods and inspiring stories.