
  • Shorebirds
    By Jonathan P. Latimer, Karen Stray Nolting

    A field guide to shorebirds in the air, on the water, on the ground, and in the grass, including gulls, coots, sandpipers, and egrets.

  • Shorebirds
    By John Marchant, Peter Hayman, Tony Prater

    b ADULT: In flight, the white hindneck and band over uppertailcoverts contrast strongly with the chestnut back and wingcoverts. Primaries blackish. c ADULT: Chestnut wing-linings are continuous with chestnut belly. Band of white at the ...

  • Shorebirds
    By Jonathan P. Latimer, Karen Stray Nolting

    Although wild swans are not found in many parts of North America , you may see a Mute Swan or a Tundra Swan . The Mute Swan is the one most often seen in parks . In the 1800s , Mute Swans were brought from Europe as decorations for ...

  • Shorebirds: An Illustrated Behavioural Ecology
    By Theunis Piersma, Jan van de Kam, Bruno Ens

    Underhill, L.G., R.P. Prys-Jones, E.E. Syroechkovski, Jr., N.M. Groen, V. Karpov, H.G. Lappo, M.W.J. van Roomen, A. Rybkin, H. Schekkerman, H. Spiekman & R.W. Summers. 1993. Breeding of waders (Charadrii) and Brent Geese Branta bernicla ...

  • Shorebirds: An Identification Guide to the Waders of the World
    By John Marchant, Peter Hayman, Tony Prater

    Features 211 species illustrated in their various plumages--some drawn for the first time--and includes range maps

  • Shorebirds
    By John Marchant, Peter Hayman, Tony Prater

    This is a review of the whole family of waders.

  • Shorebirds: Breeding Behavior and Populations
    By J. Burger, B.L. Olla

    This is in large measure due to the diversity, both behaviorally and ecologically, of a group closely related taxonomically and distributed throughout the world.

  • Shorebirds: The Birds, the Hunters, the Decoys
    By John M. Levinson, Somers G. Headley

    Describes the life cyle and behavior of shore birds, looks at the history of shore bird hunting, and shows a variety of hand-carved decoys

  • Shorebirds: Beautiful Beachcombers
    By Arthur Morris

    Thus , an orangebased bill for this godwit , and an added bit of shorebird knowledge for me . For the most part , shorebirds are small and brown . And many species have a great affection for mud — the blacker and the gooier , the better ...

  • Shorebirds: An Illustrated Behavioural Ecology
    By Jan van de Kam, Bruno Ens

    Shorebirds are the most visible inhabitants of coastal wetlands worldwide. Many undertake spectacularly long flights between their wintering and breeding grounds, embodying the miracle of long-distance migration in a profound...

  • Shorebirds: An Identification Guide to the Waders of the World
    By John Marchant, Peter Hayman, Tony Prater

    Shorebirds: An Identification Guide to the Waders of the World