A field guide to shorebirds in the air, on the water, on the ground, and in the grass, including gulls, coots, sandpipers, and egrets.
b ADULT: In flight, the white hindneck and band over uppertailcoverts contrast strongly with the chestnut back and wingcoverts. Primaries blackish. c ADULT: Chestnut wing-linings are continuous with chestnut belly. Band of white at the ...
Although wild swans are not found in many parts of North America , you may see a Mute Swan or a Tundra Swan . The Mute Swan is the one most often seen in parks . In the 1800s , Mute Swans were brought from Europe as decorations for ...
Underhill, L.G., R.P. Prys-Jones, E.E. Syroechkovski, Jr., N.M. Groen, V. Karpov, H.G. Lappo, M.W.J. van Roomen, A. Rybkin, H. Schekkerman, H. Spiekman & R.W. Summers. 1993. Breeding of waders (Charadrii) and Brent Geese Branta bernicla ...
Features 211 species illustrated in their various plumages--some drawn for the first time--and includes range maps
This is a review of the whole family of waders.
This is in large measure due to the diversity, both behaviorally and ecologically, of a group closely related taxonomically and distributed throughout the world.
Describes the life cyle and behavior of shore birds, looks at the history of shore bird hunting, and shows a variety of hand-carved decoys
Thus , an orangebased bill for this godwit , and an added bit of shorebird knowledge for me . For the most part , shorebirds are small and brown . And many species have a great affection for mud — the blacker and the gooier , the better ...
Shorebirds are the most visible inhabitants of coastal wetlands worldwide. Many undertake spectacularly long flights between their wintering and breeding grounds, embodying the miracle of long-distance migration in a profound...
Shorebirds: An Identification Guide to the Waders of the World