Shot at and Missed

  • Shot at and Missed: Recollections of a World War II Bombardier
    By Jack R. Myers

    The pilot made a wheel landing on the front wheels and when the tail hit the mud it was pretty smooth. Four other men in our squadron, Lt. O. H. Lynch, Sgt. D. W. Dykes, Cpl. A. L. Butcher, and Cpl. N. L. Gillis, ...

  • Shot at and Missed: Recollections of a World War II Bombardier
    By Jack R. Myers

    Sgt. Gerald McGuire, the engineer, then told us, “After the concussion I came out of my upper turret position and I observed both pilots struggling to gain control of the plunging airplane, with both control columns forward and the ...

  • Shot At and Missed: A Cody J. Bryan Mystery
    By Larry Hillhouse

    ... miss than to feel it hit. There's really nothing that compares with the feeling one gets from being shot at and missed. It's not necessarily agood feeling, but one of exhilaration and true thankfulness. First there's the initial denial ...

  • Shot at and Missed: A Cody J. Bryan Mystery
    By Larry Hillhouse

    Cody's quiet vacation at a ski resort in Virginia doesn''t last very long as he first rescues a damsel in distress, then needs rescuing himself as he discovers that he is the prime suspect in a strange murder case investigated by the FBI.

  • Shot at and Missed: Mid-Acts Dispensationalism Fires Back
    By Terence McLean

    This new book handles the hurdles, answers the issues, and can take the reader to the next level of understanding mid-Acts dispensationalism and what the issues are. Five dollars is a small price to pay for what this book provides.