The 2nd edition of Show and Tell builds on its tried and tested methodology, developing 21st Century Skills in critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity, to prepare students for future success both inside and outside ...
OTHER BOOKS BY JIM DANIELS Factory Poems On the Line Places/Everyone The Long Ball Digger's Territory Punching Out Hacking It M-80 Niagara Falls Blessing the House No Pets (fiction) Blue Jesus Red Vinyl, Black Vinyl Greatest Hits ...
Dan Roam, the bestselling author of The Back of the Napkin, teaches us how to make extraordinary presentations.
Show and Tell: Teacher's Book. 1
Andy's offerings for show-and-tell always seem to bore his kindergarten class until one day he finds a magic bottle of bubbles that temporarily transports all of them on an aerial adventure.
This excellent beginning-to-read series will score easily with early readers.