Nachdruck des Originals von 1927.
... 24 , 26 Spice Islands 18 Strait of Magellan 15 Sydenham , Elizabeth 21. Alexander VI , Pope 5 , 6,9 Atlantic Ocean 10 , 17 Azores 23 Cape of Good Hope 19 Cape St. Vincent 23 Cape Verde Islands 14 Caribbean 9 , 10 , 22 Nombre de Dios ...
He complied , then covertly furnished another man , John Lovell ( reportedly another of his ' kinsmen ' ) with a small fleet to undertake a third expedition for him . Drake's presence on the earlier voyages has been generally assumed ...
The location of Drake's anchorage, and the colony he claimed for England, has aroused more controversy than it deserves. and only a few years ago Brian Kelleher placed it in Campbell Cove, imide Bodega Head, California.
Drake was namedforLord JohnRussell's son,Francis, who was his godfather. The head ofthe family atthe timeofDrake's birth was John Drake, his grandfather. Edmund, father ofFrancis Drake, was thesecondof at least three sons living and ...
More than four hundred years after his death, Sir Francis Drake remains one of the legendary figures of history.
In this title, readers will explore sea routes around the world with Sir Francis Drake.
Sir Francis Drake: The Queen's Pirate. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1998. Sugden, John. Sir Francis Drake. New York, NY: Henry Holt, 1990. Thrower, Norman J. W., ed. Sir Francis Drake and the Famous Voyage, 1577–1580: Essays ...
A Full Relation of another Voyage into the West Indies made by Sir Francis Drake accompanied with Sir John Hawkins , Sir Thomas Baskerfield , Sir Nicholas Clifford ... In Sir Francis Drake and the Famous Voyage , 1577-1580 .
This biography of Drake makes use of Spanish and English sources to explore hitherto neglected areas of his life. Drake is shown not only as a great seaman, but also...
Sir Francis Drake: Hauptbd. . / Red.: Don Haupt. Grafik: Matthias Pflügner
Captures the heroic quality and genius that set Drake apart. Portrayed as a deeply religious disciplinarian who cared more about the glory of England than about personal gain.
Highlights the life of the famous English explorer.
Surveys the life and voyages of Sir Francis Drake in the sixteenth century.
Retells in poetry the daring adventures of the explorer who was the first Englishman to sail around the world; helped to defeat the Spanish Armada; and who, encouraged by Queen Elizabeth I, was a feared pirate in his time.
A cultural history of the representations of Sir Francis Drake, from contemporary accounts to the present day. For four hundred years Sir Francis Drake's exploits have fascinated, inspired and entertained....
Francis Drake assured his place in history when, in his lone ship the Golden Hind, he sailed the Pacific to become the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe. Drake the...
Prolific British author E.F. Benson is primarily remembered for his fine supernatural tales, but he wrote on a wide variety of topics. Sir Francis Drake is his 1927 biography of the famous captain and privateer.
A biography of the English seaman and explorer who was knighted by Queen Elizabeth I.
In this engrossing book, readers will become completely captivated by the secrecy and intrigue associated with Drake’s agreements with England’s Queen Elizabeth.