
  • Smitten
    By Kristin Billerbeck, Diann Hunt, Colleen Coble

    “Better than the teddy bear from Laurel Perkins?” “You couldn't dig up a better Valentine's Day present if you searched the world over.” His eyes flickered over her. “And look, it's even wrapped in pink.” Her smile widened.

  • Smitten: More Unpretentious Recipes from a Food Blogger
    By Sarah Graham, Warren Heath

    This is unintimidating food with a twist that the whole family will enjoy. To make our busy lives easier, the recipes in smitten. are conveniently divided into categories such as Nibbles, Speedy Suppers, Feast and Slow.

  • Smitten
    By David Gordon

    Sock and Mitten are both lost singles in a city full of pairs. Mitten is a left without her right. Sock is neither left nor right, but he knows how...

  • Smitten
    By Janet Evanovich

    Single mom Lizabeth Kane isn't exactly carpenter material -- she's never picked up a hammer in her life.

  • Smitten: The Way of the Brilliant Flirt
    By Ariel Kiley, Simone Kornfeld

    Offers advice on perfecting the art of flirting to attract men, describing eight flirtation techniques while revealing how to build confidence, develop a dynamic look, and project a positive attitude.

  • Smitten
    By Lauren Rowe

    I met Alessandra at a party.

  • Smitten: A Standalone Friends to Lovers Romance
    By Lauren Rowe

    I met Alessandra at a party.

  • Smitten: The Way of the Brilliant Flirt
    By Ariel Kiley, Simone Kornfeld

    The journey through Smitten will move you into a process of self~realization so you can gain confidence in who you truly are and finally take hold ofthis most powerful asset. Your embla~ zoned authenticity is the force that will allow ...

  • Smitten: A Long Time Ago?in a Far Away Land
    By Payton Lee

    “Prince Paul is intensely and fatally smitten with your sister,” Siegfried agreed. “He smothers her with his devotion and part of that smothering is losing his temper while he tries to protect her because he feels he didn't do enough to ...

  • Smitten: Sex, Gender, and the Contest for Souls in the Second Great Awakening
    By Rodney Hessinger

    On the urban religious experience, see Richard Carwardine, “The Second Great Awakening in the Urban Centers: An Examination of Methodism and the 'New Measures,' ” Journal of American History 59, no. 2 (September 1972): 327–40; ...

  • Smitten: Sex, Gender, and the Contest for Souls in the Second Great Awakening
    By Rodney Hessinger

    ... Seduced, Abandoned, and Reborn, 23–43; Reynolds, Beneath the American Renaissance, 260–62. Thomas Foster successfully dates such notions of natural male desire even earlier than this era. See Foster, Sex and the EighteenthCentury Man, 6 ...