While continuing to blend theory and practice, this new edition brings the book into the digital age, emphasizing teaching social studies well and stressing understanding of the practices of good social studies teaching.
Note: This is the loose-leaf version of Social Studies in Elementary Education and does not include access to the Enhanced Pearson eText.
This new edition of the most popular elementary social studies methods text on the market houses a wealth of content, strategies, tools, and resources for teaching K-8 social studies.
This new edition of the most popular elementary social studies methods text on the market houses a wealth of content, strategies, tools, and resources for teaching K–8 social studies.
Nagy , William E. , 288 , 307 , 326 Nation at Risk : The Imperative for Educational Reform , A , 4 National ... 126 , 284 Pearson , P. David , 306 , 326 Pen pals , sources of names and addresses for international correspondence ...
The author wrote this new edition of the most popular elementary social studies methods text on the market with the following three goals in mind: to present the most powerful social studies content and pedagogy for children in elementary ...
While continuing to blend theory and practice, this new edition brings the book into the digital age, emphasizing teaching social studies well and stressing understanding of the practices of good social studies teaching.
The author wrote this new edition of the most popular elementary social studies methods text on the market with the following three goals in mind: to present the most powerful...
While continuing to blend theory and practice, the 16th Edition emphasizes the inquiry-based College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework throughout the book, within the reorganized lesson plans, and in a new integrated unit plan.
Social Studies in Elementary Education
This new edition of the most widely-used social studies methods text on the market houses a wealth of content, strategies, tools, and resources for teaching K-8 social studies.
Social Studies in Elementary Education
Social Studies in Elementary Education
Social Studies in Elementary Education
To order this book WITHOUT MyEducationLab use this ISBN: 9780132337076. To order this book WITH MyEducationLab use this ISBN: 9780135001608. Click here to learn more about MyEducationLab. MyEducationLab is easy to use.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Social Studies in Elementary Education
This new edition of the most-popular elementary social studies methods text on the market houses a wealth of content, strategies, tools and resources for teaching social studies, K-8.