Don't hit my mommy: A manual for child parent psychotherapy with young witnesses of family violence. Washington, DC: Zero to Three. ... Lieberman, A. F., Van Horn, P., & Ippen, C. (2005). Toward evidence-based treatment: Child Parent ...
Lieberman, A. F., Van Horn, P., & Ippen, C. (2005). Toward evidence-based treatment: Child Parent ... Murphy, B. C., & Dillon, C. (2008). Interviewing in action in a ... Reese, D., Ahern, R., Nair, S., O'Faire, J., & Warren, C. (1999).
This new edition has added information about the role of evaluation in the implementation and generation of evidence-based practices, and the necessity of evaluation to ensure accountability to all stakeholders.
This comprehensive text effectively aims to enhance student and practitioner skill sets to meet these demands of a changing field.
This book is a practical overview of evaluation in social work by a distinguished author who has also been an evaluator and an agency administrator. This book includes an evaluation...