In this book we discuss major concepts, policies, and practices in the field of social work in schools.
The Sixth Edition "Social Work Services in Schools" by "Paula Allen-Meares" - available now - offers a timely and important guide to developing the optimal use of social work in schools in this rapidly changing environment.
This comprehensive school social work text discusses major issues confronting education as well as practice directions for the design, delivery, and evaluation of school social work services. This comprehensive school...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Social Work Services in Schools covers broad school social work service issues, including education and development, effects of educational policy on practice, and planning, implementation, and evaluation. The editor, Paula...
Completely updated with references to recent literature, legislation, court decisions, and current issues, this is the third edition of a widely used resource for those practicing social work in the...